Symfony beginner guide with example project.

Learn Symfony 4/5 Framework by building a real-world application

Symfony beginner guide with example project.
Symfony beginner guide with example project.

Symfony beginner guide with example project. udemy course

Learn Symfony 4/5 Framework by building a real-world application

What you'll learn:

  • You will create a fully working, real world website in Symfony
  • You will have strong understanding of the framework
  • Learn and see how Continuous Deployment and Continuous Integration works
  • You will automate deployment using single commit to deploy the website to outside world
  • Deep understanding of how databases and Doctrine ORM works
  • Learn how to create forms, save, edit and validate data
  • Learn how to create and deal with complicated Database relations
  • Send e-mails and understand Symfony Event system
  • Secure the application and restrict access to certain parts of application to specific users
  • Create SQL queries in Doctrine, Doctrine Table Inheritance and Lifycycle callbacks
  • Learn how to translate your application into many different languages
  • Understand how sessions work
  • Test your application by writing Unit tests with PHPUnit
  • Provision a remote server by installing Apache, PHP, MySQL using SSH


  • Basic understand of PHP and Object Oriented Programming
  • Mac, Windows or Ubuntu system
  • IDE or any other code editor


This course will help you learn Symfony, the powerful PHP framework that would let you create not only websites but great web applications, APIs or mobile backends.

Its latest version is the most powerful, yet simplest to use for developers. If you want to get started with Symfony, this is the best place you could get.

We'll go through each single task step by step; you will code along with me. I'd explain every detail of how things work, and how things should be done.

I'll even leave some scene with error uncut so that you can see and experience a real-world coding example and how the journey is!

At the end of this course, you will complete a fully working, real world application.

The recommended development environment is Linux for the sake of speed and optimization for developer, but if you are on Windows or MacOs no worries. I won't be using any tool or package that could restrict you from taking this course if you are on another environment.

The course starts with an introduction.

Then we'll move on and install the framework using official documentation and guides.

Next section is centered around Controllers, Routes and Twig templating engine. You will learn how to create a backbone of your application and how to render HTML together with data using Twig. We will also see how we can install and manage assets, like CSS & JavaScript, by installing Bootstrap using npm (You can use Yarn if you are comfortable with).

After that, I will manipulate databases and the excellent Doctrine ORM. You will learn how you can create simple PHP objects as a representation of table rows. You will learn about database migrations - an easy way of managing your database schema changes. This section will also show you how to quickly fetch, modify and delete data from the database.

And we end up doing some Front-End work updating and customizing the User Interface.

Who this course is for:

  • PHP developers that do not know any framework

  • Developers with some knowledge of other PHP frameworks

  • Developers that need and want to pick-up Symfony fast with straight to the point course

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 5.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Symfony beginner guide with example project. udemy free download

Learn Symfony 4/5 Framework by building a real-world application

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