Complete Android App Development Masterclass in اردو & हिंदी

Improve your career options by learning Android app Development. Master Android Studio and build your first app today

Complete Android App Development Masterclass in اردو & हिंदी
Complete Android App Development Masterclass in اردو & हिंदी

Complete Android App Development Masterclass in اردو & हिंदी udemy course

Improve your career options by learning Android app Development. Master Android Studio and build your first app today

What you'll learn:

  • Master Java Programming Language
  • Build Dynamic Android Apps From Scratch
  • Master Android Development
  • Build Several Android Apps with the latest Android API’s: ROOM, Firebase, Firestore and ML Kit Face Recognition
  • Learn Android Development Best Practices
  • Learn Android User Interface Design


  • Basic programming experience in general is helpful but not required. The course covers everything you’ll need to build Android Apps
  • Be Willing to Work and Learn


* In this course, you will learn how to write Android apps from scratch.

* No prerequisite is required.

* The obvious point about this course is that it is exercise-based to make sure you will understand and use the course materials correctly.

* Also, we will use the latest version of Android Studio, because it has many changes in recent mounths.

The Android platform is the fastest growing platform in the online world and our Android apps have been at the center of attraction for many businesses. The Android platform is believed to be governing 5 out of every 9 devices in the world; our demographics suggest that the Android platform has wider reach to the audiences that use a mobile device.

Since the Android platform has evolved, we believe that there are many enterprises who would love to have an app developed for their business.

So You want to Build Apps ?

Then you are right place and you want to build apps at your on time , on your selected place from the comfort of home and you without having to read articles and books and you want see how the professional apps are created.

In this course i will teach you from scratch to the Expert and This course will make you hero from zero. In this course i have taught from the very basic level to the advanced level.You will be able to build real world applications and lead the world with your innovative ideas to apps and you can earn from those apps.

Why Learn Android ?

There are 2.1 billion Android users and android has 88% of Market share and its growing day by day. Android is Ruling the Mobile World.

What you’ll learn


1 Introduction

2 Setup Android Studio

3 Create Project

4 Android Manifest

5 Values(Colors,String,Style)


7 Logical Vs Syntax Error (lOGCAT)


8 Data Types

9 For loop

10 If Else

11 Model Class

Layouts & Widgets

12 Linear Layout

13 Relative Layout

14 Constraint Layout

15 TextView

16 EditText

17 Multiple Buttons Click

18 Send Data 1 activity o an other

19 ImageView

20 Send Image 1 activity o an other

21 WebView

22 Offline WebView

23 Margin & Padding

24 Weight

25 GridLayout

26 Table Layout

27 Menu

28 Menu SearchView

29 Navigation Drawer

30 Navigation Header and click

Layout design

31 Shape

32 Strings

33 MultiScreen Layout

34 Multi Screen Image

Practice With Layouts

35 Calculator App (PART 1& 2)

36 Radio button, switch, check box


37 Time Picker Dialog

38 Date Picker Dialog

39 Alert Dialog Box

Views and UI Tools

40 Layout Inflater

41 ListView

42 Custom Listview

43 Click Listener ListView

44 GrdiView

45 GridView Click Listener

46 Spinner

47 RecyclerView

48 RecyclerView Click Listener


49 Sharedpreference

50 Login Password Save


51 OverView

52 Create Sqlite Database

53 Insert Data

54 Display Database

55 ListView SQLITE

56 Delete

57 Update

Permissions, Handler, Thread

58 Handler

59 Splash Screen Handler

60 Thread

61 Thread Seekbar

62 Normal Permission

63 Runtime Permission Dialog box

64 Manual Permssion Enable

Media Player

65 Audio Play

66 Audio Play Seekbar

67 VideoView

68 VideoView MediaController

69 VideoView Landscape

70 VideoView Signal bar remove

71 Url VideoView

Api & Web Services

72 Api OverView

73 Json Introduction (Data Types)

74 Json Practice (Ecomerce App)

75 Model Classes Generate For Json Website

76 Model Class Generate For Json Manualy

77 Offline Json Data Get

78 Get Json  from web url

79 Json Data in ListView


80 Overview

81 Create Project Firebase

82 Firebase Connect With app

83 Realtime Database Create

84 Insert Data realtime database

85 Insert Data realtime database Node

86 Single Data Show Realtime

87 Multiple Data Show Realtime

88 Delete Data realtime

89 Update realtime

90 Storage Firebase (Insert)

91 Storage Firebase (Display)

92 FireStore Data Insert

93 FireStore Data Display

94 Firebase Authentication

95 Firebase Notification


96 OverView Setup

97 Create Database & Tables

98 Local host file Access

99 Convert table Data in json using php

100 Display Data in java

101 ListView Data in java

102 Insert Script Php

103 Insert Data in mysql

104 Cpanel OverView

105 Delete Data Script

106 Delete data mysql

107 Update Data Script

108 Update data mysql

Important Dependencies

109 Glide

110 Picasso

111 PhotoView

112 PdfView

Admob Ads

113 OverView

114 Banner Ads

115 Intersitial Ads

116 Native Ads

117 VideoReward Ads


1. Book app using pdf

2. Wallpaper app firestore

3. Poetry Status App Realtime

4. Movies Rating App using Api

5. Story App using MYSQL

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 19.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Complete Android App Development Masterclass in اردو & हिंदी udemy free download

Improve your career options by learning Android app Development. Master Android Studio and build your first app today

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