React Native With React Hooks & React Query:High Performance

Improve Your React Native Application Performance And Learn React Hooks & React Query

React Native With React Hooks & React Query:High Performance
React Native With React Hooks & React Query:High Performance Udemy Free Download

React Native With React Hooks & React Query:High Performance udemy course

Improve Your React Native Application Performance And Learn React Hooks & React Query

What you'll learn:

  • Create real-world apps using React Native
  • Learn React Hooks
  • Learn React Query API
  • Expo installation
  • Learn How To Create Custom Hook
  • Learn How To Cache Your Data In React Native
  • Learn How to solve The problem Of the Global State
  • Hooks Functions (useState, useEffect, useReducer,...)


  • All you need is basic understanding of React Native


If you're tired of spinning your wheels learning Swift or Android, this is the course for you.

Improve your app performance? You will learn it. Hooks? Included. React Query? Of course!

This course will get you up and running with React Native quickly, and teach you the core knowledge you need to deeply understand and build React components for mobile devices with high performance.

React Native is an excellent solution for developing apps on mobile in a fraction of the time it takes to make an equivalent iOS or Swift app. You'll love seeing your changes instantly appear on your own device, rather than waiting for Swift/Java code to recompile! This quick feedback loop, along with excellent cross platform support, is what has catapulted React Native to the top must-have skill for Javascript engineers.

Simply put, React Query makes fetching, caching, synchronizing and updating server state in your React applications a breeze.

Out of the box, React applications do not come with an opinionated way of fetching or updating data from your components so developers end up building their own ways of fetching data. This usually means cobbling together component-based state and effect using React hooks, or using more general purpose state management libraries to store and provide asynchronous data throughout their apps.

While most traditional state management libraries are great for working with client state, they are not so great at working with async or server state. This is because server state is totally different. For starters, server state:

  • Is persisted remotely in a location you do not control or own

  • Requires asynchronous APIs for fetching and updating

  • Implies shared ownership and can be changed by other people without your knowledge

  • Can potentially become "out of date" in your applications if you're not careful

Once you grasp the nature of server state in your application, even more challenges will arise as you go, for example:

  • Caching... (possibly the hardest thing to do in programming)

  • Deduping multiple requests for the same data into a single request

  • Updating out of date data in the background

  • Knowing when data is "out of date"

  • Reflecting updates to data as quickly as possible

  • Performance optimizations like pagination and lazy loading data

  • Managing memory and garbage collection of server state

  • Memoizing query results with structural sharing

React Query is hands down one of the best libraries for managing server state. It works amazingly well out-of-the-box, with zero-config, and can be customized to your liking as your application grows.

React Query allows you to defeat and overcome the tricky challenges and hurdles of server state and control your app data before it starts to control you.

On a more technical note, React Query will likely:

  • Help you remove many lines of complicated and misunderstood code from your application and replace with just a handful of lines of React Query logic.

  • Make your application more maintainable and easier to build new features without worrying about wiring up new server state data sources

  • Have a direct impact on your end-users by making your application feel faster and more responsive than ever before.

  • Potentially help you save on bandwidth and increase memory performance

Enough talk, show me some code already!

Who this course is for:

React Native With React Hooks & React Query:High Performance udemy free download

Improve Your React Native Application Performance And Learn React Hooks & React Query

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