Linux Command line Basics

comprehensive Guide to Linux and Bash

Linux Command line Basics
Linux Command line Basics

Linux Command line Basics udemy course

comprehensive Guide to Linux and Bash

What you'll learn:

  • realize the potential of the Linux command line.
  • navigating the Linux Filesystem.
  • explain the Linux Filesystem hierarchy .
  • use command options .
  • create hard and soft links.
  • use powerful Linux wild cards.
  • create,view and manipulate files.
  • use different Linux text editors (nano,gedit).
  • find help while using the Linux command line.
  • create you own Linux commands .


  • A desire to learn Linux.
  • any Linux distribution installed on your computer ( even on a virtual machine).


This is a beginner's guide to Bash Shell Commands. The course can also serve as a refresher for intermediate/Advance level as well. The concepts are explained in depth with example. 

I have ensured to provide a fundamental platform to the students so that they have basic working knowledge of Linux commands which can be honed for furthering once career in the field of Bash and Automation. I tried to quote multiple ways things can be handled so that students can learn and recognize most of the code written by other developers and also pick some of these methods as their best practice.

Through the medium of this course I would like to guide students on the following topics:-

A) Directory structure in Linux
B) Different linux command line
C) Date and calendar
D) Changing the ownership and mode of a file using chmod and chown
E) Process status using top and ps
F) Pipes and redirection
G) File Handling and user input processing
H) Different types of conditional and loop statement in Shell script.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 6.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Linux Command line Basics udemy free download

comprehensive Guide to Linux and Bash

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