Linux Administration: The Complete Linux Bootcamp for 2022

Linux Administration (Ubuntu and CentOS) for Beginners. Get the Linux skills to boost your career and get ahead.

Linux Administration: The Complete Linux Bootcamp for 2022
Linux Administration: The Complete Linux Bootcamp for 2022

Linux Administration: The Complete Linux Bootcamp for 2022 udemy course

Linux Administration (Ubuntu and CentOS) for Beginners. Get the Linux skills to boost your career and get ahead.

What you'll learn:

  • Become a professional Linux Sysadmin and get hired.
  • You will MASTER all the Linux key concepts and commands starting from scratch. No prior Linux knowledge is required.
  • Learn how to set up the Linux environment (Installing both Ubuntu and CentOS in a VM)
  • Build a COMPLETE understanding of Linux OS (Distribution Independent) from the ground.
  • For each Linux key concept or command you'll get an High-Quality Video, a Cheatsheet, a Quiz, Practice Exercises and Slides.
  • Master all important Linux commands.
  • Understand Linux File Permissions, Processes, User Account Management, Linux Networking or Software Management.
  • You will MASTER Ethical Hacking and Network Security Key Concepts (Reconnaissance, Sniffing, Iptables Firewall ...).
  • Acquire an good understanding of Netfilter/Iptables Linux Firewall (Chains, Tables, Matches, Targets).
  • By the end of this course you will have a deep understand of the Linux operating system and be able to apply that knowledge in a hands-on manner.


  • A computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux) with an Internet connection. That's it!
  • No prior Linux knowledge is required. You will learn everything from scratch!
  • Your time and enthusiasm to learn.
  • This course is targeted primarily at beginners. If you have more than a few years Linux experience, this course might not be for you.


***Fully updated for 2022*** This Linux Administration course covers every major topic, including all important Linux commands, the Linux Filesystem, File Permissions, Process Management, User Account Management, Software Management, Networking in Linux, System Administration, Bash Scripting, Iptables/Netfilter Firewall, Linux Security and many more!

I’m constantly updating the course to be the most comprehensive, yet straightforward, Linux Administration course on the market!

Course Updates:

  • Update: November 2021 - Updates to be 2022 ready.

  • Update: June 2021 - NEW Bonus Section on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).

  • Update: November 2020 - Updates to be 2021 ready.

  • Update: November 2020 - New BIG Section: Hands-On Project - Configuring a Linux Server from Scratch in the Cloud (VPS, DNS - BIND9, WEB - Apache2, PHP, MySql, WordPress, Security).

  • Update: October 2020 - New Videos in the Linux System Administration Section on how to work directly with device files (the dd command) and how to get system hardware information (lwhw, lscpu, lsusb, lspci, dmidecode, hdparm) + Quiz and Challenges for you to practice what you've learned.

  • Update: September 2020 - NEW Section: Bash Shell Scripting (2.5 hours of HD videos, coding sections, Quizzes, and Hands-On Challenges with Solutions).

  • Course Launch: August 23, 2020

This course IS NOT like any other Linux Administration course you can take online. At the end of this course, you will MASTER the key concepts and you will become an effective Linux System Engineer or Administrator.

This is a brand new Linux Administration course launched in August 2020 and it’s updated to teach you the skills required for the future that comes.

The world is changing, constantly, and at a fast pace! The technology-driven future in which we’ll live is filled with promise but also challenges. Linux powers the servers of the Internet and by enrolling in this course you’ll power the essential Linux concepts and commands. This Linux Administration course is really different! You’ll learn what really matters and you’ll get the skills to get ahead and gain an edge.

Do you want to learn a new valuable skill, get hired, get a promotion, or simply prepare for the future that comes? Well, then this Linux course is for you!

By enrolling in this Linux Administration course now, you make the best investment in your career!

By the end of this course, you'll have an in-depth knowledge of how the Linux Operating System works and how you can best deal with it.

This course is for you if you want to learn Linux applied to the real-world.

It’s specially designed for you whether you have no experience in Linux, you’ve taken other related courses and you want to fill in gaps or level up your skills, or you are coming from other fields like Networking or Programming.

You'll have access to my closed and exclusive online Group in order to provide you with improved, faster, and better support for your course-related questions.

This course is taught by me, a Senior Network Engineer and Professional Trainer. Why should you learn from me?

  • I'm a Practitioner and an Enthusiast. Welcome to the real world! I’ve been using Linux for the last 15 years in real-world projects. I’m not just a random guy that teaches Linux Administration. Just imagine that during this time I’ve learned and applied more and more almost on a daily basis. And now I’m giving everything to you!

  • I'm an Educator and I know how to make a Syllabus. I know exactly what is important and what is not. For the last 10 years, I've trained thousands of people on Linux Administration, Security, Networking, and Programming.

  • You'll learn not only some commands and tools but also how to combine them for real-world jobs. After this course, you'll be an effective Linux System Engineer or Administrator!

You'll have lifetime access and you can return and look for a specific Linux concept or command anytime you want. And let's not forget, if you don't like the course, you are covered by a 30-day money-back guarantee, full refund, no questions asked!

The topics covered in this Linux Administration course are:

  • Setting Up the Environment (Installing both Ubuntu and CentOS)

  • The Linux Terminal In Depth

  • The Linux File System

  • Absolute vs. Relative Paths. Walking through the File System (pwd, cd, tree)

  • The LS Command In-Depth (ls)

  • Understanding File Timestamps: atime, mtime, ctime (stat, touch, date)

  • Viewing Files (cat, less, more, tail, head, watch)

  • Creating Files and Directories (touch, mkdir)

  • Copying, Moving, Renaming, and Deleting Files and Directories (cp, mv, rm, shred)

  • Working With Pipes in Linux (|, wc)

  • Command Redirection (>, >>, 2> &>, cut, tee)

  • Finding Files and Directories (locate, find, which)

  • Find and Exec

  • Searching for String Patterns (grep, strings)

  • Comparing Files (cmp, diff, sha256)

  • The VIM Editor In Depth

  • Compressing and Archiving Files and Directories (tar, gzip, bzip2)

  • Hard and Symbolic Links. The Inode Structure

  • User Accounts Management

  • Understanding passwd and shadow files

  • Understanding Linux Groups (groups, id)

  • Creating, Changing, and Removing User Accounts User Accounts (useradd, usermod, userdel)

  • Group Management (groupadd, groupdel, groupmod)

  • User Account Monitoring (whoami, who am i, who, id, w, uptime, last)

  • Linux File Permissions

  • Octal (Numeric) Notation of File Permissions

  • Changing File Permissions (chmod)

  • Changing File Ownership (chown, chgrp)

  • Understanding SUID (Set User ID), SGID (Set Group ID), and the Sticky Bit

  • Umask

  • Understanding Files Attributes (lsattr, chattr)

  • Linux Process Management

  • Processes and The Linux Security Model

  • Listing Processes (ps, pstree, top, htop)

  • Signals and Killing Processes (kill, pkill, killall, pidof)

  • Foreground and Background Processes

  • Job Control (jobs, fg, bg)

  • Networking on Linux

  • Getting Information and configuring the Network Interfaces (ip, ifconfig, route)

  • Setting Up Static IP on Ubuntu (netplan)

  • Testing and Troubleshooting Network Connectivity

  • Using, Troubleshooting, and Securing SSH (sshd)

  • Copying Files Over the Network (scp)

  • Synchronizing Files and Directories using rsync

  • Using wget

  • Checking for Listening Ports (netstat, ss, lsof, telnet, nmap)

  • Software Management

  • DPKG (Debian and Ubuntu Based Distros) and APT

  • DNF (RedHat Based Distros)

  • Compiling Software From Source Code: Lab ProFTPD

  • Linux System Administration

  • Task Automation and Scheduling Using Cron (crontab) and Anacron

  • Mounting and Unmounting File Systems (df, mount, umount, fdisk, gparted)

  • Working With Device Files (dd)

  • Getting System Hardware Information (lwhw, lscpu, lsusb, lspci, dmidecode, hdparm)

  • Service Management (systemd and systemctl)

  • Bash Shell Scripting

  • Security: Information Gathering and Sniffing Traffic

  • Security: Netfilter/Iptables Firewall

  • Security: SSH PKI & SSH Hardening

Every topic includes many live examples, both on Ubuntu and CentOS, a command section, lots of quizzes, slides, and many practice challenges.

The skills you’ll learn will boost your career and make you even more valuable on the job market.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 20.5 hours on-demand video
  • 55 articles
  • 48 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Linux Administration: The Complete Linux Bootcamp for 2022 udemy free download

Linux Administration (Ubuntu and CentOS) for Beginners. Get the Linux skills to boost your career and get ahead.

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