Trauma Transparency: Stories to Overcome Childhood Trauma

Stories from a trauma filled life that many go through, but are afraid or ashamed to talk about.

Trauma Transparency: Stories to Overcome Childhood Trauma
Trauma Transparency: Stories to Overcome Childhood Trauma

Trauma Transparency: Stories to Overcome Childhood Trauma udemy course

Stories from a trauma filled life that many go through, but are afraid or ashamed to talk about.

What you'll learn:

  • 1. By the end of Trauma Transparency course, you'll learn how to self-assess through compelling stories.
  • 2. You'll learn how to manage depression through exercises provided!
  • 3. You'll learn how to overcome hardship through direction provided by someone that has overcame that same underlying issue.
  • 4. You'll learn how a highly suicidal person managed his thoughts of suicide.


  • An open mind for learning.
  • There's nothing required to additionally purchase
  • Undivided attention to the compelling & relate-able stories


This course will focus on helping you overcome your traumas, depression, and suicidal thoughts by relating to someone that has had to overcome those same issues. We all are fighting some battle; we hide from the world through our smiles.

Discussed Topics:

  1. Child Abuse & Child Abandonment

  2. Favoring One Child Over the Other

  3. Parental Addiction

  4. Domestic Violence

  5. Death of a Loved One

  6. Family Committing Suicide

  7. Divorce

  8. Bullying

  9. Lying

  10. Manslaughter

  11. Drug Distribution

  12. Life-Threatening Violence

  13. Words of Wisdom for Overcoming

If you can relate to these topics, then this course will be for you. I will discuss them intensely from how they made me feel at the time, to how I've overcome these issues to become an award-winning humanitarian.

As a Depression & Suicide Prevention Expert, I travel the world speaking, doing workshops, and 1-on-1 sessions. This course will breakdown some of the tactics I've used to help thousands of people thus far.

I want to be upfront and honest ahead of your potential purchase. I WILL NOT BE SUGAR-COATING THE MESSAGES & STORIES!

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Trauma Transparency: Stories to Overcome Childhood Trauma udemy free download

Stories from a trauma filled life that many go through, but are afraid or ashamed to talk about.

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