The Rust Programming Language

New open-source systems programming language

The Rust Programming Language
The Rust Programming Language

The Rust Programming Language udemy course

New open-source systems programming language

What you'll learn:

  • Solve problems in Rust
  • Understand Rust’s strengths and weaknesses
  • Effectively leverage Rust’s memory safety guarantees
  • Write applications and libraries
  • Test and document your code


  • Basic knowledge of computer science
  • A computer with a Rust-enabled IDE (VisualRust, intellij-rust, etc.)


More and more often these days, we're hearing news reports of large scale security threats to highly sensitive computer systems. Whether it's a major website getting hacked, personal information stolen from company databases or even cyber identity theft, there is always one common weak link; unsafe code. Enter Rust; the brainchild of Mozilla that promises fast, efficient, and memory safe systems programming. Sound intriguing? This course will teach you everything you need to know...

 Lock Down a Low Level Language 

  • Learn to program in Rust
  • Understand Rust's memory management abilities
  • Get to grips with a systems programming language
  • Create highly concurrent, safe systems
  • Increase your coding skill set


Systems Programming Made Safe

 This course is aimed at intermediate coders with some previous programming knowledge. If you're comfortable working with a code editor and want to add another tool to your programming skill set, then this course is perfect for you.

 After starting with an extensive overview of Rust fundamentals, you'll hit the ground running and dive into more advanced features like vectors, generics, tuples, ownership borrowing and crates. Module 'challenges' throughout the course put your knowledge to the test – but if you need a push in the right direction, video walk throughs and code downloads are available. 

 By the end of this course you'll have a thorough understanding of Rust, of memory management in general and of systems programming specifically. You'll be well placed to begin or further your knowledge of similar languages like C++, and you can impress potential employers with your expertise in safe code. 

 What is Rust?

 Rust is a general purpose, low level programming language created by Mozilla. It was designed as a systems programming language with an emphasis on being safe, concurrent and practical. Its syntax is similar to C++, but it practices better memory safety while maintaining performance. Developers praise it for its speed and safety. It was recently awarded the title of 'most loved programming language' in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 4.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

The Rust Programming Language udemy free download

New open-source systems programming language

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