The Most Effective Way to Sell Coaching/Consulting Services

Stop Giving Away Your Time & Expertise Doing Free Coaching Sessions or Creating Spec Proposals: This Works Better

The Most Effective Way to Sell Coaching/Consulting Services
The Most Effective Way to Sell Coaching/Consulting Services

The Most Effective Way to Sell Coaching/Consulting Services udemy course

Stop Giving Away Your Time & Expertise Doing Free Coaching Sessions or Creating Spec Proposals: This Works Better

What you'll learn:

  • A proven way to sell coaching or consulting services through Free Consultations
  • Exactly what to do (and the order to do it) on Free Consultations to ensure more prospective clients say Yes
  • How to avoid giving away valuable time and expertise to prospective clients
  • 25 different ways to attract prospects into Free Consultations
  • How to avoid waiting for prospective clients to get back to you with an answer
  • How to fine-tune your sales process so your closing rate keeps improving


  • Coaches or consultants should already have a packaged service or program to sell


Are you an independent coach or consultant?

Do you love working with clients but hate the process of selling your services in order to get those clients?

Maybe you've never been taught how to sell, so you're not even sure how.

Did you know that nearly all of the coaches and consultants I've worked with hate the idea of having to sell?

And you know what, I hated it too when I started my own business back in 1998.

But when I learned how to sell the way I'm going to teach you in this course, everything changed. I no longer hated selling and I started closing more sales.

If you're currently selling your services using free coaching sessions, or you're giving away valuable advice in spec proposals, I'd like to invite you to learn a more effective way to sell your services, that does not feel like selling AND does not require you to give away your valuable time and expertise for free.

This course is for you if you're an independent coach or consultant and...

  • You hate sales, or you've never been taught how to sell

  • You're currently selling your services using free coaching sessions, or you're giving away valuable advice in spec proposals

  • You're tired of giving away your valuable time and expertise for free

  • You're struggling to convert prospects into paying clients

  • You're having a hard time finding potential clients to even make offers to

  • You dread the idea of cold-calling

  • You're tired of hearing prospects tell you, "let me think about it and get back to you" and then never hearing from them again

What You'll Learn in this Course

In this course you will learn a simple, conversational, comfortable, 10-step sales process you can use in 30- to 60-minute Free Consultations with your prospects, to turn more of them into paying clients.

Sell More, More Comfortably, and at Higher Prices

As an independent marketing consultant and coach since 1998, I've been selling my own services for more than 20 years. I tried a lot of different things when I first started out. And I admit, at the beginning I was just kind of winging it.

However, when I learned the how to sell the way I'm going to share with you in this course, selling not only became more comfortable, I sold a lot more coaching and consulting packages. And, I sold them at higher prices.

When I dialed in my process to include the specific 10 steps I'm going to teach you, and I went out and tested the this 10-step process for the very first time, I sold $12K worth of private coaching in a little over a week.

Even better, I knew exactly what I needed to do each month to keep generating that same income.

While I can't promise you'll have the same result, what I can promise is that if you are currently giving away free advice in free coaching sessions or spec proposals as a way to sell your services, or you too are just kind of "winging it" when it comes to selling your services, this 10-step sales process will truly transform the way you sell, and your results.

So, if you find yourself wishing clients would just show up, so you don't have to pound the pavement or do cold-calling to find them… (Neither is required with this process!)

Or, you're struggling to get clients to say yes…

Or, you're tired of giving away free advice and sample coaching sessions and still not getting clients…

I encourage you to enroll in this course.

Not only will you learn how to sell your services, you'll receive:

  • A step-by-step agenda and checklist you can use in every consultation you do, so you know exactly what to say and do to close more clients

  • 25 different ways you can get prospective clients to contact YOU and request a consultation (that means no cold-calling or pounding the pavement looking for clients!)

  • A formula to help you determine exactly how many free consultations you need to do to generate the clients and income you want so you can get off the cash-flow roller-coaster and start earning reliable income month after month

  • Fill-in-the-blank worksheets to help you fine-tune your sales process, so the more consultations you do, the more you improve your closing ratio (that means you get to spend less time selling and more time working with clients)

Be sure to watch the Course Introduction Video to learn more about what you'll learn in this course (it's free!)

Then enroll in the course and start learning an easier, more comfortable, more effective way to sell your services so you can attract and begin working with all those people you got into business to help.

See you inside!

Debbie LaChusa

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 2 hours on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • 10 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

The Most Effective Way to Sell Coaching/Consulting Services udemy free download

Stop Giving Away Your Time & Expertise Doing Free Coaching Sessions or Creating Spec Proposals: This Works Better

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