The Complete ClickFunnels Training Course

Learn How to Use ClickFunnels to Build Highly Effective Sales Funnels FAST!

The Complete ClickFunnels Training Course
The Ultimate ClickFunnels Masterclass Updated For 2019!

The Complete ClickFunnels Training Course udemy course

Learn How to Use ClickFunnels to Build Highly Effective Sales Funnels FAST!

What you'll learn:

  • Learn What Value Ladders and Sales Funnels Are & How to Utilize Them Effectively with ClickFunnels
  • Get an Overview of ALL the ClickFunnels Packages Available (Including their secret package for less than $20!)
  • How to Sign Up and Navigate Through ClickFunnels and The Features
  • How to Setup or Register a New Domain with ClickFunnels and Add a Payment Processor
  • How to Easily Build Attractive and Effective Sales Funnels Using ClickFunnels Software
  • Understand What Lead Nurturing Is and How ClickFunnels Can Simplify The Process
  • How to Integrate Third Party Services with ClickFunnels
  • How to Use All of ClickFunnels Funnel Builders and Features Including The Mobile Editor and Pop Ups
  • How to Setup Automations in ClickFunnels and Add Products to Your Funnels
  • How to Create Custom Order Forms in ClickFunnels As Well As Order Form Bumps and OTOs
  • How to Switch ClickFunnels Sales Funnel Templates
  • How to Quickly Customize Funnels in ClickFunnels to Make It Your Own
  • How to Setup Membership Portals in ClickFunnels and the Pros and Cons of This Feature
  • How to Add Facebook Pixel and Google Analytics Code into ClickFunnels
  • Plus Some of My Favorite ClickFunnels Resources I Know You'll Love!


  • ClickFunnels account (you can get started with the FREE 14-day Trial)
  • Computer, internet connection and basic computer skills


If you’re here, chances are you’re:


Tired of dealing with the time-wasting hassles websites cause from building them out, to customization, to maintenance…

Frustrated with high bounce and low conversion rates …

Sick of trying to use other funnel builders that are over-complicated or just not up to par...

Or maybe you're simply looking for an efficient, reliable system to take you're business to the next level...


Sound familiar?


I completely understand.  Just a few years ago, I was still relying on traditional websites to build my business.


I was literally pulling my hair out trying to build, customize, maintain and rank websites PLUS actually run my business…


I knew there HAD TO BE A BETTER WAY!  Because there was still another HUGE problem…


Websites don’t convert as well as most people think they do… Well not compared to sales funnels.

So first of let's get clear on, what a sales funnel is...

A sales funnel is a series of stages or steps designed to guide prospects towards making a buying decision. Each step is composed of landing pages, videos and emails that do the work of selling.

Because ultimately, a sales funnel has ONE PURPOSE: to persuade people to buy from you and not just once like traditional websites, ads or sales letters but time and time again.

More often than not there are many interruptions on the journey from prospect to buyer but unlike a website, a sales funnel is able to continually work on your behalf to nurture your audience to take action.

So a sales funnel is the system used to build a relationship with your prospects and turn them into loyal customers.

Now that you understand what a sales funnel is, let me explain why funnels convert higher than most websites do...



Because websites give people TOO MANY options.


When someone lands on a traditional website, they have the option to browse the homepage, go to your about page, your product pages, your contact page, or even multiple pages in your blog. 

That’s a lot of options & chances are becoming a customer (or even subscriber) isn't going to be one of them.


Too many options confuses people - and “a confused mind – never buys!”


That’s why it’s important to make your buying processes as simple, streamlined and effective as possible.

That’s where the concept of the sales funnel comes into play.


Sales funnels are known for having MUCH HIGHER conversion rates than traditional websites because…


A sales funnel structures your offers so a visitor is only focused on ONE action to take at a time.


It leaves the prospect with only two decisions – either take action on the offer or leave.


They’re effective at improving our conversions because they increase our value to our customers which lead to more trust and sales.


AND… allow us to sell virtually on auto-pilot 24/7 – every single day!


While the concept of sales funnels is nothing new - the way that landing pages sales funnels are created have vastly improved. Back in 2007, if you wanted to build out a sales funnel – you needed a six-figure business just to afford it...


Luckily now, we have the help of software that cut the cost, time and knowledge needed to setup a successful sales funnel.


What used to take a team of developers, a few months and a small fortune to accomplish – can now be done in just a few hours – with just a few simple clicks – SERIOUSLY!


That's what ClickFunnels allows us to do!


Inside this ClickFunnels Training course you’ll learn:


  • The difference between Value Ladders and Sales Funnels

  • How to select a package & get started with ClickFunnels

  • How to Integrate 3rd-party services with ClickFunnels

  • All the Different Page Types and Settings

  • How to Customize Your Funnels Using the Page Editor Features

  • How to Send Emails & Create Automations

  • How to Install Facebook Pixel & Google Tracking Links

  • How to Use Pre-Built Funnel Templates

  • How to Setup a Membership Portal

  • How to Setup Your Own Affiliate Funnel in Just ONE-Click!


I’m committed to your success with ClickFunnels, so I’ll also be including a few extra resources (PLUS a secret BONUS at the very end) that I know you’ll find SUPER helpful.


It doesn’t matter if you've been marketing and building funnels for years or are just learning about sales funnels for the first time – ClickFunnels is simple & effective to use. Garret J. White from Wake Up Warrior summed it up beautifully and I couldn’t agree more:


“ClickFunnels Came Out Of Nowhere - They took the market by storm, just like Apple did when they launched the iPhone. It was a QUANTUM move in improvement that opened up the gap to allow people just like you and me - who are NOT technically savvy and weren’t born in the matrix, who don’t have a chip planted in our heads, who aren’t engineers or computer science majors and don’t understand that stuff inherently - the opportunity to cut and decrease the time of stress and anxiety and suffering behind the keyboard.... And ultimately to deal ONLY with the stuff that matters, which is getting your message about your product and program out to the marketplace.


Now you can forget your dysfunctional website and consolidate the half-a-dozen softwares you’re currently paying for - ClickFunnels Gives You EVERYTHING You Need To Market, Sell and Deliver Your Products Online.  I know you're gonna love it as much as I do!


See you inside!

Who this course is for:

The Complete ClickFunnels Training Course udemy free download

Learn How to Use ClickFunnels to Build Highly Effective Sales Funnels FAST!

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