How to Produce Prediction Map in GIS With ArcGIS and Excel?

Step By Step Guide To Produce and Validate Hazards Prediction Map With ArcGIS and Excel Using Frequency Ratio Model

How to Produce Prediction Map in GIS With ArcGIS and Excel?
How to Produce Prediction Map in GIS With ArcGIS and Excel? Udemy Free Download

How to Produce Prediction Map in GIS With ArcGIS and Excel? udemy course

Step By Step Guide To Produce and Validate Hazards Prediction Map With ArcGIS and Excel Using Frequency Ratio Model

What you'll learn:

  • UPDATES March 2019: Course full data was uploaded with Section 2.
  • You’ll have my continuous support, taking your hand step-by-step to develop your first high quality map using real data
  • Writing a journal article, MOST WELCOME, I am available to help you to produce a scientific article qualified for peer review acceptance
  • I will be with you to interpret the results, we will discuss about the technical issues as well as how to make your results meaningful
  • Free access to all my previous publications techniques and methods: Search for "Omar Althuwaynee on Researchgate"


  • UPDATES March 2019: Course full data was uploaded with Section 2.
  • No prior statistical modelling background needed
  • Interest in developing a valid susceptibility map for geosciences applications using real life Data
  • Prior Familiarity With the Geographic information systems
  • Basic experience in ArcGIS software from Esri and Microsoft Excel
  • This Course Will be Demonstrated on a Windows OS


Since the late 1980s, the widely popular and efficient geographic information system (GIS) has facilitated the development of new machine learning, data-driven, and empirical methods that reduce generalization errors. 

In the this course, i have shared a famous and solid bivariate technique (Frequency ratio), to help you start your first prediction map using ArcMap and Excel only.

UPDATES March 2019: Course full data was uploaded with Section 2.

I will explain the spatial correlation between; prediction factors, and the dependent factor. Also, how to find the autocorrelations between; the prediction factors, by considering their prediction importance or contribution. Finally, I will Produce susceptibility map using; Microsoft Excel and ESRI ArcGIS only. Model prediction validation will be measured by most common statistical method of Area under the curve (AUC).

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • 4 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

How to Produce Prediction Map in GIS With ArcGIS and Excel? udemy free download

Step By Step Guide To Produce and Validate Hazards Prediction Map With ArcGIS and Excel Using Frequency Ratio Model

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