Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED)

Take Counselling to the next level with this Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Course from The Priority Academy

Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED)
Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED)

Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED) udemy course

Take Counselling to the next level with this Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Course from The Priority Academy

What you'll learn:

  • You will learn advanced counselling skills and frameworks that you can action with clients, in your private life, career & relationships right away.
  • If you already operate as a professional helper in some capacity, you can complement and increase your existing level of professional service.
  • Develop a range of person-centred counselling skills and gain deep insights into the driving forces that motivate all human behaviour.
  • You will learn advanced counselling models of change that can act as the catalyst for instigating significant transformation in your clients.
  • Learn various historic approaches to counselling; including existential, rational emotive, behavioural, person-centred perspectives, plus more.
  • Learn the theoretical frameworks, people skills, and communication patterns that enable significant transformation in counselling clients.
  • Understand the core motivations and common assumptions that underpin most patterns of unhelpful, habitual behaviour (productive and destructive forms).
  • How the mind processes day-to-day experiences and transforms our interpretation of them into memories, fears, frustrations, passions, actions and outcomes.
  • Understand the essential applied psychological principles, tools and methodologies that underpin the masterful practice of counselling.
  • Understand how to use the knowledge and skills to help you when interacting with your family members, friends and colleagues at work.
  • PLUS: Access our fantastic Facebook support group, ‘Practice makes Permanent’ to connect with fellow peers, celebrate successes, compare notes with others and much more.
  • On completion of the course, you can apply to join The Academy for Modern Applied Psychology for professional membership to put into practice your new-found skills.


  • This course gives you an in-depth knowledge of using counselling skills in everyday life and work, and the approaches that underpin these skills. No previous knowledge or experience is necessary.
  • Many self-reflective ideas are discussed throughout the course, and as such students are encouraged to take notes (this is for self-reflection purposes only and isn’t for official submission).
  • You can complete this video-based course in your own time and pace (also comes accompanied with a full audio MP3 version). Is easily achievable to complete within 6 – 8 weeks.
  • The entire counselling practitioner course can be studied online with an internet connection. The curriculum is similar to that which you might find in a reputable attendance based counselling practitioner training course.
  • You can study this training course from the comfort of your own home or favourite cafe at any time. You can access your course lessons from your smartphone, tablet or desktop computer.
  • This course was last updated in May 2019, drawing on over a decade of experience, blending in theoretical knowledge, established psychological principles and other appropriate ideological frameworks.
  • A range of additional downloadable (and editable) course materials are also provided that will make this counselling practitioner course enlightening, fascinating and enjoyable.
  • Note: Students who benefit most from this counselling practitioner course are those who are ready to reflect upon and APPLY the main lessons and theories that are presented herein.


Solution Based Counselling Practitioner (ACCREDITED)

This is my personal invite, from me to you, to join me in this Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Program from The Priority Academy.

Counselling has been around for a long time and its time honoured traditions have been used by countless to help and be helped. In this Fully Accredited Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Course you will learn the core skills that every Counsellor needs and be taken from beginner to professional level and truly help your clients.

A quick warning though: If you want a traditional Counselling course, something that just contains the basics of Counselling, then this course is not for you...... I'm just being honest with you here! However, when you want a course that takes you on a journey further than standard counselling and into a place where you can truly help people then this IS the right course for you.

Are you ready to join me on this fascinating journey into Solution Based Counselling? Come on, let's do this!

Please note: The Priority Academy is Fully Accredited as a Quality Distance Learning Provider and this Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Certification is also Fully Accredited - both through the Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association - Accreditation Membership Number 10662322.

There is one thing about Counselling that I have never been able to get past and it drove me to develop this way of working, the Solution Based Counselling way of working. From the moment I started to study Counselling I was told the Counselling is not about finding a solution for the client….. WAIT…… WHAT? How can that be right?

I remember questioning my Counselling Tutor about it when she said it but she just reiterated those words. I’ve seen them written down in text books and articles throughout my studies and to be honest it blows me away that we, as Helping Practitioners, could have a client come to us and not try to work with them to find a solution to their problems. That is not to say that we don't focus on them as a person, of course we do, but surely they also come to us for help in resolving whatever issue they have ...... right?

I don’t mean give them the solution, that’s not our role! Yet, surely, we should be helping them to discover their own solutions...... right?

This is where Solution Based Counselling comes in. A new format, a new framework, for using the core fundamentals of Counselling and adding in tools from other helping areas plus my own experience of over 20 years in the industry. Solution Based Counselling brings counselling skills into the modern age, an age where we are here to help those who need it.

Hit the “Buy Now” or “Enroll Now” button now...... when you are ready to dive straight in.

“We think we listen, but very rarely do we listen with real understanding, true empathy. Yet listening, of this very special kind, is one of the most potent forces for change that I know” - Carl Rogers

It’s time Counselling moved on from the traditional way of having clients come back for month after month and even year after year. The potential to help people discover their own solutions to the problems in their lives is immense and, when harnessed, can help them change their lives drastically. Imagine, for a moment, how fulfilling it will be to see a client grow and start to help themselves resolve their issues with some help from you...... I can tell you that it is truly amazing!

What are others saying about this course?

  • ST - 5 Stars - "this course not only prepared me for the professional world of counseling but it also helped me uncover and solve internal issues of my own."

  • Dr. RK - 5 Stars - "Absolutely wonderful! As a counselling practitioner, this course will help to be more skilled. Thank you, sir!"

  • JK - 5 Stars - "Another awesome course. Graham has both the deep insight of human behavior and the incredible understanding of how to help others to help others. I'm forever grateful."

  • RS - 5 Stars - "I am learning many new concepts from this course. Very interesting."

  • TH - 4.5 Stars - "I enjoyed this course as it was very informative and the instructor was genuine in wanting to help others accomplish life goals and solution base counseling methods. I would recommend this course to others"

In this Solution Based Counselling course you’ll uncover the secrets to combining the traditional parts of Counselling with the latest methods for helping your clients. I know that you are a helper, someone who wants to assist people in changing their lives. You might even want to discover how to help yourself do that very same thing. You are probably a good listener and want to transfer that into something that can really and truly help those around you and future clients. You have find the right course and the right place in Solution Based Counselling. It's time to say "Yes!" and come join me in this Solution Based Counselling Course!

“It is in your moments of choice that your destiny is formed” - Tony Robbins

Will you come and join me? Will you make the choice to come and join me on this journey into Solution Based Counselling and become a Solution Based Counselling Practitioner? All you have to do it hit the “Buy Now” or “Enroll Now” button and we can enjoy the journey together.

Come and join me and I look forward to seeing you in the course.

My Best Regards


Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 10.5 hours on-demand video
  • 9 articles
  • 97 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Cert (ACCREDITED) udemy free download

Take Counselling to the next level with this Solution Based Counselling Practitioner Course from The Priority Academy

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