Building a Serverless AWS lambda API on AWS in java

Build a productive serverless AWS Lambda API on the Amazon Web Services platform in hours for Java developers.

Building a Serverless AWS lambda API on AWS in java
Building a Serverless AWS lambda API on AWS in java

Building a Serverless AWS lambda API on AWS in java udemy course

Build a productive serverless AWS Lambda API on the Amazon Web Services platform in hours for Java developers.

What you'll learn:

Serverless using AWS Lambda for Java Developers – Free Course Site

  • Master the fundamentals of Serverless Programming and AWS Lambda
  • Create Lambda Function using the AWS console
  • Install the tools required to create and deploy Serverless Projects from your command line
  • Learn the method signature and the data that can be passed to and returned from a Lambda Function
  • Learn the YAML Syntax required to create SAM template files
  • Create Projects using SAM CLI
  • Understand the structure of a Serverless Project
  • Build and deploy Function as Code(FaaS)
  • Test the Functions remotely on the cloud and locally
  • Access the lambda environment information
  • Create and clean up the entire infrastructure required for your project with a single command
  • Create Serverless APIs using API Gateway, AWS Lambda functions, and DynamoDB
  • Learn how to use AWS APIs and SDKs to programmatically work with various components
  • Work on an ASync use case using S3 and SNS as triggers
  • Configure Logging using Log4j
  • Handle Errors gracefully to configure Dead Letter Queues
  • Learn what Cold Starts are
  • Scaling Lambda Functions
  • and more in easy steps


  • Some Knowledge of AWS and Java Development


Building a Serverless AWS lambda API on AWS  in java is a great way to get started to develop applications on the AWS lambda platform that scale without the hassle of managing servers.

This course is intended for every Java developer that wants to be able to build a productive serverless API within a few hours, using aws lambda and Amazon API Gateway.

The Amazon aws cloud platform offers a lot of amazing services.

However, each one of those services has a learning curve, and it can cost a lot of time become productive with any of these services just by reading the developer guides and taking the Trial and Error approach.

In this course you’ll learn how to write and deploy a aws lambda functions and how to create an AWS API Gateway endpoint to use that AWS lambda function.

At the end of the course you’ll learn to  create a production ready webservice on the Amazon Web Services platform that can be used to resize any image on the fly.

We discuss all of the aws-lambda configuration options, how to configure the IAM (AWS Identity and access Management) to give your aws lambda function access to Amazon Web Services such as AWS s3, AWS Cloudwatch, ... and we'll configure AWS API Gateway to create a REST api endpoint for our serverless aws lambda function.

Overview of the Course

  • Introduction to AWS Lambda
  • Tools and accounts needed to develop aws lambda functions in Java
  • AWS lambda Course Overview
  • Setting up the  AWS Lambda Project in the IDE
  • Implementing the AWS Lambda Function
  • Quiz : Java concepts for AWS lambda functions
  • Deploying the AWS Lambda Function on AWS
  • Quiz : Creating a AWS Lambda serverless function
  • Set up AWS Identity and Access Management IAM permissions
  • Direct Java Call to an AWS Lambda function
  • API gateway Call to an AWS Lambda function
  • Calling an AWS Lambda function from other AWS Services
  • A dynamic image resizer using Amazon Web Services
  • Creating an Amazon Web Services S3 bucket to store resized images
  • Setting up the project and creating the input class
  • The Resizer Class Design
  • The Resizer Class
  • The createUrl Method
  • The readImage method
  • Tying it all together
  • Deploying the AWS Lambda Function on Amazon Web Services
  • Creating the API on Amazon API Gateway
  • Testing the API on AWS API Gateway

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Building a Serverless AWS lambda API on AWS in java udemy free download

Build a productive serverless AWS Lambda API on the Amazon Web Services platform in hours for Java developers.

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