UIPath RPA - Tech Primer

Increasing your tech skills increases UiPath RPA success!

UIPath RPA - Tech Primer
UIPath RPA - Tech Primer

UIPath RPA - Tech Primer udemy course

Increasing your tech skills increases UiPath RPA success!

What you'll learn:

  • Flowchart fundamentals
  • RPA target basics (Web, PDF, Excel, Text, Database, File System)
  • Programming concepts: data types
  • Programming concepts: variables, lists, and strings
  • Programming concepts: data tables
  • Programming concepts: flow control
  • Programming concepts: operators
  • Programming concepts: object oriented design


  • A modern windows computer with Internet connection
  • Basic job experience at a small, medium, or large company
  • Be familiar with the roles that MS Excel spreadsheets, MS Word, websites, and software applications fill in daily business life


Many of us use computers every day to accomplish business tasks, but we lack the confidence to stray beyond the specific things we've been trained to do.

Creating automation with abc RPA tool like UIPath will definitely require you to level-up your skills so you have full command of your environment, and you can imagine better, more efficient solutions for any problem you face.

For a human to provide the most value in an RPA environment, he or she must have a combination of business AND technical skills so they can use an RPA tool like UiPath to help automate processes across multiple system boundaries including email, documents, databases, websites, mainframes, and APIs.

If you’ve primarily been doing manual computer work and you find technical concepts like databases, APIs, and basic programming to be intimidating... this course is for you.

In this course I’ll provide you with technical skills and entry-level UiPath demos that will allow you to more confidently create software robots including:

  • A flowchart overview

  • Overviews of common automation targets (web, DB, API, folders & files)

  • Entry level .NET programming concepts

  • Data types & data structures, operators, control flow (if/else, loops, etc.)

The goal of this course is to help you become more confident using your computer to create software robots with the RPA tool like UiPath.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 5.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

UIPath RPA - Tech Primer udemy free download

Increasing your tech skills increases UiPath RPA success!

Demo Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/rpa-tech-overview/