Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation: Awakening Without Woo Woo

The Rational Approach to Mindfulness Meditation - Harnessing the Power of Conscious Awareness for Peace and Success

Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation: Awakening Without Woo Woo
Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation: Awakening Without Woo Woo Udemy Free Download

Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation: Awakening Without Woo Woo udemy course

The Rational Approach to Mindfulness Meditation - Harnessing the Power of Conscious Awareness for Peace and Success

What you'll learn:

  • Vipassana mindfulness meditation
  • The nature of conscious awareness
  • A whole host of health benefits
  • Based on neuroscience and psychology


  • You will need at least 5 to 10 minutes of free time each day
  • A comfortable place to sit


From distracted monkey brain to monk-like peace of mind in one week
We've all heard about the transformative power of mindfulness meditation. Nowadays it's almost hard to find a successful person who doesn't do Vipassana meditation or similar. That's because mindfulness meditation increases focus, memory and mental clarity. Mindfulness also lowers anxiety, blood pressure and stress levels. Meditation helps you sleep. All fundamental pieces for high performance at any task in life. Although the main reason to have a mindfulness practice is to understand the nature of conscious awareness. This part is sometimes clouded by overly spiritual meditation practices and teachings. Some of which are a bit "out there". In this course you will learn about the best way to get into mindfulness meditation. All based on concrete science and established experience. So join me now and begin the transcendence to your most peaceful, productive and successful self.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 2 hours on-demand video
  • 5 articles
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Vipassana Mindfulness Meditation: Awakening Without Woo Woo udemy free download

The Rational Approach to Mindfulness Meditation - Harnessing the Power of Conscious Awareness for Peace and Success

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