Node.JS Express Security: Authentication and Authorization

Updated Oct 2021: Mastering authentication and authorization with Node.JS Express

Node.JS Express Security: Authentication and Authorization
Node.JS Express Security: Authentication and Authorization

Node.JS Express Security: Authentication and Authorization udemy course

Updated Oct 2021: Mastering authentication and authorization with Node.JS Express

What you'll learn:

  • After this course you will know how to apply common security mitigation techniques to a web application built with Angular, ExpressJS, and NodeJS.


  • You should have a basic understanding of client-server architecture and how communication is accomplished across the network. This will be needed to understand the security concepts and defense techniques used in the course.
  • We’ll be using JavaScript, NodeJS with Express, and Angular in the sample application. It will be helpful if you have some familiarity with these technologies, however, the concepts regarding security do not require specific knowledge in this technologies and can be applied to any other technology stack as well.


This bootcamp has a goal to introduce web application development with Node.JS and Express. For database, we use MySQL to store the data. The bootcamp focuses on security and authorization. The following is a list of highlight topics:

  • Use Registration

  • Authentication

  • Authorization

We start to learn about user registration. We create a registration form with Node.js and Express. We use Handlebar for Express Template View. User email will be confirmed in our application. To prevent from bots, we implement CAPTCHA on registration. We use reCaptcha from Google.

  • Database Design for User Registration: MySQL

  • Setting up project

  • User Registration

  • User Registration with Email Confirmation

  • Resending Email Confirmation Token

  • Implementing CAPTCHA on User Registration

  • Signing with Social Media Providers: Twitter, Google, Facebook, GitHub and LinkedIn

Next topic is authentication. We will challenge users to verify user account. We use username and password for authentication. we can enable for user authentication with confirmed email. Each user email that doesn't be confirmed yet will not access web resources. We also implement multi-factor authentication. We send codes to user email to verify user authentication.

Last, we implement Role-based authorization. We define user roles and then assign roles to each user. We will implement authorization with Express middleware.


  • Having knowledge of web development such as HTML5, CSS and JavaScript

  • Having knowledge of Node.js development

  • Computer with installed Windows , Linux or macOS

All materials are delivered with step-by-step approach. See you on my course.

Update 1: 24 October 2021

  • Add new contents: Login with Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Google, GitHub and LinkedIn

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 3 hours on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • 3 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Node.JS Express Security: Authentication and Authorization udemy free download

Updated Oct 2021: Mastering authentication and authorization with Node.JS Express

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