MongoDB - The Complete Dev BootCamp | Beginner-Expert (2023)

Master MongoDB and become a expert developer for Web & Mobile Apps. Learn CRUD, Aggregation Framework, Indexes & more!

MongoDB - The Complete Dev BootCamp | Beginner-Expert (2023)
MongoDB - The Complete Dev BootCamp | Beginner-Expert (2023)

MongoDB - The Complete Dev BootCamp | Beginner-Expert (2023) udemy course

Master MongoDB and become a expert developer for Web & Mobile Apps. Learn CRUD, Aggregation Framework, Indexes & more!

What you'll learn:

MongoDB – The Complete Developer’s Guide 2023

  • Learn what document databases are and how data is organized with MongoDB
  • Learn how to perform CRUD operations with MongoDB
  • Don’t stop at the basics – learn about writing complex MongoDB queries in-depth and with practical examples!
  • Write efficient and well-performing queries to fetch data in the format you need.
  • Use all features MongoDB offers you to work with data efficiently


  • No prior knowledge of databases (of any kind) is required
  • General web development or mobile development knowledge will help you, but it is not a must-have
  • You can use any operating system – Windows, macOS, Linux; it’ll all work!


Master MongoDB: The Ultimate Developer Guide | Beginner to Expert

Embark on a journey to master MongoDB, one of the most popular NoSQL databases, with an expert instructor. This comprehensive, hands-on course covers everything from the basics to advanced MongoDB concepts. No prior experience with MongoDB or databases is required!

Why MongoDB?

MongoDB is the go-to choice for the modern web, mobile, and other applications due to its scalability, flexibility, and ease of use. As a developer or data scientist, efficiently storing and querying data is crucial. MongoDB simplifies these tasks, prioritizing performance and efficiency, making you a highly sought-after professional.

What You'll Learn:

  • MongoDB installation, server and client connections, and Compass installation

  • Understanding databases, collections, documents, data types, JSON, and BSON in MongoDB

  • Mastering CRUD operations with findOne(), find(), insertOne(), insertMany(), updateOne(), updateMany(), deleteOne(), and deleteMany()

  • Efficient data filtering techniques with queries, comparison, logical, and element operators

  • Proficiency with the Mongo Shell

  • Working with embedded documents and nested structures

  • Optimizing performance through indexing, compound fields, and multi-key indexing

  • Utilizing MongoDB cursors and methods for data retrieval

  • Leveraging MongoDB's powerful Aggregation Framework and $lookup

  • Understanding replica sets, sharding concepts, and MongoDB schema validation

  • Handling dates, times, and regular expressions in MongoDB

  • Working with geospatial data and operators

  • Hands-on exercises with real-world examples and solutions

  • Best practices for using MongoDB in your projects

  • ... and much more!

Why This Course?

Our course is designed to captivate and engage you through a series of hands-on exercises and real-world examples. By the end of the course, you'll have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to work confidently with MongoDB in any project.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 13.5 hours on-demand video
  • 2 practice tests
  • 181 articles
  • 2 downloadable resources
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

MongoDB - The Complete Dev BootCamp | Beginner-Expert (2023) udemy free download

Master MongoDB and become a expert developer for Web & Mobile Apps. Learn CRUD, Aggregation Framework, Indexes & more!

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