FullStack Web Development with ReactJS, ReactNative, Angular

Full Stack Web Development with React JS, React Native, Angular, NodeJS, MongoDB and Learn Mobile App Development

FullStack Web Development with ReactJS, ReactNative, Angular
Mobile And Web Development With React JS & Native & Angular

FullStack Web Development with ReactJS, ReactNative, Angular udemy course

Full Stack Web Development with React JS, React Native, Angular, NodeJS, MongoDB and Learn Mobile App Development

What you'll learn:

  • Learn how to build single page applications with React JS
  • Learn components, props, states and component life cycle methods in React JS
  • Create reusable React Components
  • Learn modern JavaScript, ES6
  • Learn to connect to an external API in react native
  • React and React native Set up our virtual environment
  • Install React Native dependencies for MAC and Windows
  • Run Android and IOS simulator
  • Run Android and IOS simulator on computer
  • JSX syntax and expressions
  • See the content on the simulator
  • Styling with React-Native and flex-box rules
  • Send an HTTP request to a remote API
  • React Native Expo installation
  • Run Expo App on Mobile Device
  • See the content on the simulator
  • Styling with React-Native and flex-box rules
  • Reach another app on the phone from the React-Native app
  • Data Transfer Between Different Screens with React Navigation
  • Dive into Nodejs, learn rapidy growing web server technology, Nodejs & understand how NodeJS works with Node course!
  • By learning growing web server technology, Nodejs, you can improve your skills, get a new job and you can build powerful, robust web applications.
  • Learn the key concepts of the NodeJS
  • Learn to create servers, and understand how it works
  • Understand and use the Event Emitter
  • Understand Buffers, Streams, and Pipes
  • Learn routing with NodeJS
  • Learn the most used, open-source document database, and NoSQL database aka MongoDB
  • Install MongoDB
  • Logic behind the MongoDB data storage
  • The most popular Object Data Modeling Library for MongoDB, Mongoose JS
  • Learn to execute CRUD - write queries to create, read, update and delete operations
  • Understand terminal commands for managing the database
  • Advanced Features of MongooseJS
  • The best testing framework for NodeJS, Mocha
  • Learn how easy to use MongoDB
  • React, also known as React js, saves time and effort for developers since they only need one programming language.
  • Web development is a broad description of the tasks and technologies that go into creating a website.
  • Some web developers will obtain a degree or certification in the field. However, most jobs don't require a specific degree or level of education
  • JavaScript is one of the most ubiquitous programming languages on the planet, mostly because it's the backbone of interactive web applications.
  • JavaScript is a curly-braced, dynamically typed, prototype-based, object-oriented programming language.
  • Angular is a complex application that contains multiple libraries and cross-platform functionalities, so it can take some time to learn its many features.
  • Developers mainly use Angular to build dynamic single-page applications (SPAs) for web, mobile, and desktop.
  • Angular and React are both rapid application development (RAD) platforms based on JavaScript.
  • Whether you’re interested in adding React to your existing dev skillset, or you want to develop fullstack web apps by using tools like NodeJS Redux and Mongodb
  • React, or React JS, is a frontend Javascript library for building UI components for the web.
  • JavaScript is a curly-braced, dynamically typed, prototype-based, object-oriented programming language.
  • JavaScript is the programming language that allows users to interact with the websites that they're visiting, making it a very important language for web develo
  • JavaScript is a text-based programming language used for client- and server-side development.
  • Web developers have used JavaScript since its inception to add simple interactivity to web pages like modals, animated elements, or image slideshows.


  • No prior knowledge is required! about javascript, react, react native, angular and web development or mobile development
  • A Windows PC, Mac or Linux Computer
  • Es6 knowledge would be beneficial but not required
  • Desire to learn React and Angular
  • Desire to learn React or React JS
  • Desire to learn web development with react, or react js
  • Desire to learn mobile development with react native, redux, hooks and context
  • Desire to learn full stack web development with react, react native, angular
  • Desire to learn React js and Angular js
  • Desire to learn React js, typescript and Angular js
  • Desire to learn React, React Native, angular, typescript, http, routing
  • Nothing else! It’s just you, your computer and your ambition to get started today


Hello there,

Welcome to Full Stack Web Development with ReactJS, React Native, Angular course.

Full Stack Web Development with React JS, React Native, Angular, NodeJS, MongoDB, and Learn Mobile App Development

React is one of the best choices for building modern web applications. If you are new to React or maybe you've been struggling to learn and truly understand what’s going on then this course is the best way for you to learn React. React native, react js, react native typescript, react, reactjs, react native web, reactnative, typescript react native, react js and react native, angular react

Each aspect of creating websites and applications entails a unique set of skills. Udemy offers a host of courses to bring you up to speed on modern front-end, back-end, and fullstack web development practices and skills.

The world of web development is as wide as the internet itself. Much of our social and vocational lives play out on the internet, which prompts new industries aimed at creating, managing, and debugging the websites and applications that we increasingly rely on.

React-Native is a library developed by the React team and it is widely used to create mobile applications for both Android and IOS. You do not need to learn Java, Android, Swift, Objective-C, or anything of that.  React and JavaScript is all you need to create awesome mobile apps that work on both Android and iOS.

Angular is one of the most popular frameworks for building client apps. If you want to establish yourself as a front-end or a full-stack developer, you need to learn Angular.

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform, back-end, JavaScript runtime environment that executes JavaScript code outside a web browser. By learning growing web server technology, NodeJS, you can improve your skills, get a new job and you can build powerful, robust web applications.

MongoDB is a cross-platform document-oriented NoSQL database program. By using MongoDB, you can build a modern application database for your projects.

We will take you from beginner to advance level.  You will learn  React development step-by-step with hands-on demonstrations. To be able to benefit from this course, all you need is a basic understanding of JavaScript.

JavaScript is one of the most ubiquitous programming languages on the planet, mostly because it's the backbone of interactive web applications. On top of that, JavaScript is a great language for beginners because it gives them a chance to write code that does something visual, which is exciting and helpful when you're just getting started as a programmer. Dynamic content is the hot topic in web development right now. Dynamic content refers to content that constantly changes and adapts to specific users whenever possible. For example, JavaScript can be used to determine if a website visitor is using a computer or a mobile device before deciding whether or not to render the mobile version of the website. It's these small things behind the scenes that create genuine value in using JavaScript to create dynamic web pages.

In the course, we are going to tell you what dependencies you need to install and how in detail, to be able to create mobile apps on both MAC and Windows. We are going to use free tools and platforms so you don't have to buy any tool or app. You are going to learn how to run an Android and iOS simulator on your MAC or Windows computer.

Later on the course, we are going to learn the basics of React.  JSX, 'props system' and 'state system' are going to be crystal clear for you at the end of the course.

We tried to tell all complex topics in very detail on the course. We used some diagrams to tell some important topics and created a nice-looking mobile application. We showed two different ways to create a mobile app. We showed both react-native-cli and expo-cli in our course.

We'll be creating nice-looking reusable components. So you will be able to use this reusable component on your own future projects.On

In this course, I explained all the complex topics in very detail but by making them simpler which I believe will help you a lot. I used some diagrams to tell some important topics and created a nice looking mobile application.

At the end of the course you will learn;

  • Basics of React, React-Native, React-Navigation libraries

  • How to send an HTTP request from a mobile application,

  • How to use the flex-box system,

  • How to create reusable components,

  • To reach another app on the device from our app and

  • Creating your own mobile app both with react-native-cli and expo-cli

  • To reach another app on the device from our app

  • Creating Context with Class Based and Functional Components

  • How to Consume Context in Class Based and Functional Components

  • How to Use Multiple Context in one single component

  • Hooks Functions(useState, useEffect, useReducer, useContext...)

  • Creating Reducer and

  • Using Reducer is going to be clear for you.

  • You'll learn how asynchronous code works in Node and the Node event loop, as well as how to use the event emitter, streams, buffers, pipes, and work with files.

  • We'll see how that leads to building a web server in Node with hands-on examples.

  • The logic behind MongoDB’s data storage

  • The most popular Object Data Modeling Library for MongoDB, Mongoose JS

  • Writing queries for creating, reading, updating, and deleting operations

  • Advanced Features of MongooseJS

  • The best testing framework for NodeJS, Mocha

  • React Native

  • React js

  • React

  • Mobile and web development with react js & native & angular

  • Angular

  • Reactjs

  • React native web

  • Reactnative

  • React js and react native

  • Mobile-and-web-development-with-react-js-native-angular

  • React native mobile development

  • Angular react

  • Mobile and web development with react js native angular

  • Mobile developer

  • Mobile and web development with react js native angular

  • Web development

  • Mobile development

  • React and angular

  • React free

  • React angular

  • Mobile and web development

  • React native mobile

  • React js and native

  • React native and react js

  • React hooks

  • Angular native

  • React native angular

  • Mobile and web with react and react native

  • full stack web development

  • front end web development

  • full stack

Why would you want to take this course? 

Our answer is simple: The quality of teaching.

OAK Academy based in London is an online education company. OAK Academy gives education in the field of IT, Software, Design, development in English, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish and a lot of different language on Udemy platform where it has over 1000 hours of video education lessons. OAK Academy both increase its education series number by publishing new courses, and it makes students aware of all the innovations of already published courses by upgrading.

When you enroll, you will feel the OAK Academy`s seasoned developers expertise. Questions sent by students to our instructors are answered by our instructors within 48 hours at the latest

No prior knowledge is needed! 

It doesn't need any prior knowledge to learn React Native

This course starts with very basics. First, you will learn some terminology. Then the show will start and you will learn everything with hands-on practices.  I'll also teach you the best practices and shortcuts.

Step-by-Step Way, Simple and Easy With Exercises

By the end of the course, you’ll have a firm understanding of the React and hungry to learn more.

What is web development?

Web development is a broad description of the tasks and technologies that go into creating a website. It can be as simple as making a static text-based website or as elaborate as developing an interactive dynamic website. You can break web development into two different categories: frontend (client-side) and backend (server-side). Frontend code executes on the user's computer. This can include HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Backend code runs on the server — this commonly includes communicating with a database and often involves languages like Python, Ruby, Java, or PHP. Web development does not necessarily include the design process — it focuses on code. A web designer builds wireframes to mockup their vision for a website and then shares that with a developer. The developer is responsible for writing the code that implements the design.

What are the steps to becoming a web developer?

Some web developers will obtain a degree or certification in the field. However, most jobs don't require a specific degree or level of education, just demonstrated knowledge of the field. So, it is more important that you know how to show off your skills. You could highlight your skills through relevant work experience or a portfolio of past projects. You might also share code you have developed using a platform like GitHub, or participate in solution-based forums like StackOverflow that reward you for helping others. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the first three coding languages you'll need to learn to break into web development. You need these three essential elements to create a modern website and work as a frontend web developer. HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language) specifies the content of the website and builds the backbone. CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) styles the content. JavaScript controls the interactive elements of the website.

How long does it take to become a web developer?

The answer to this question will depend on you. The more time you spend developing your skills, the faster you can become a web developer. The good news is that web development generally uses light-weight code that is easier to learn than many other languages. If dedicated, you can learn the basics of web development in a couple of months. But good web developers never stop learning. A better question might be, "What can I do to become a better web developer faster?" The answer to this question is practice. Becoming familiar with coding helps tremendously, but there is also a less obvious benefit of practicing. The more you code, the more you will run into problems or find bugs in your code. A significant aspect of web development is solving problems and debugging code. The better you get at solving problems and tracking down bugs, the faster you will get at coding.

What is React?

React is a front-end library in Javascript that was developed by Facebook. The simplest definition of React is that it is a user interface library used for building UI components for the web. But if that was all React did, it would be little more than a template library. Developers define components in React by using an HTML-like syntax called JSX. These encapsulated components manage their own state, making it simple to pass rich data to a component and keep the state of the application and its components out of the Document Object Model (DOM). These features give React components the ability to react dynamically and efficiently to changes in their state. A set of simple components in React can be composed into either simple single-page applications or large, complex web applications.

What is React used for?

React is an open-source JavaScript frontend library. Some developers consider it a frontend framework because it does more than standard libraries usually do. The most common use of React is to build dynamic user interfaces for single-page web applications. But the structure of React makes it useful for more than just creating websites. JSX, which is one feature of React, is a syntax extension for Javascript that provides a template for the HTML and manages the state of the element. But JSX can be used as an interface for things other than HTML. React Native uses React to build mobile applications. Here, JSX becomes an interface for mobile UIs instead of HTML. There are even a few libraries that use React and JSX to interact with and manage hardware like React Hardware.

How does React work?

React encourages engineers to write code using a Functional Programming approach. Engineers create components, which are normal Javascript functions. These functions return information to tell React what content should be displayed on the screen. The real power of React comes from the ability to nest or compose these functions inside of one another. This nesting ability encourages code reuse and allows an engineer to write a component a single time, but in many different places.

Is React a framework or library?

Frameworks provide an opinionated approach to building an entire application. Libraries, on the other hand, assist in building a single aspect of an application. With this in mind, React is a library. It assists engineers in presenting HTML in the browser. React has no opinions on how data is fetched, how styling is applied, or how the app is deployed or built.

Is React worth learning?

Yes, React is worth learning. There are a couple of reasons. The first one is that React is in high demand in the software development job market and has been for a few years. If you learn to code in React and can do it well, you will increase your chances of finding a job. This alone is another reason it is worth learning. Website users no longer will settle for old-fashioned sites that won't update without a page reload. React’s method of dynamically updating the HTML of a web page fits these users' needs and improves their experience. React has also been around a few years and has stood the test of time. A large portion of websites, both small and large, use React as a frontend framework.

Is React hard to learn?

Every technology or programming language has a learning curve, and React is no different. But it is easy to learn if you are dedicated and determined to create frontend web applications. To make learning React simpler, you should stick to the basics of React before you add any extra libraries, as that will only complicate your learning experience in the beginning. Since React is a Javascript framework, a solid grounding in Javascript will give you a head start. With this knowledge, the unique concept of JSX, React's templating language, and the way React uses state will be much easier to grasp.

What is the difference between React Native and ReactJS, and which one should I learn?

React, or React.JS, is a front-end Javascript library for building UI components for the web. If you are interested in web development, React is the perfect library to learn to create interactive, dynamic single-page apps, or even full-scale web applications. React Native is a framework for building native mobile applications for both the Android phone and Apple's iPhone. React Native is still React, which means the syntax and workflow for building applications are basically the same, but the generated components are different. In React, web components are generated. In React Native, the generated components interact with a phone's native APIs. If your focus is web development, then you should learn React. If you want to build mobile applications, it is best to learn React first and become familiar with the technology before you try React Native.

Why is React so popular?

There are many reasons why React is popular. One reason is that Facebook developed it. The social proof is that if it is good enough for Facebook, one of the most popular social networks on the web, it should be good enough for other applications. React also solved many of the past issues that developers had with developing single-page applications (SPAs). React came out when SPAs were becoming popular, and all the existing frameworks to build them made development complicated and prone to bugs. One feature that makes it better than past libraries is that React is relatively easy to use. Its components are reusable, plus React's use of the virtual DOM makes it very performant. React should remain popular in the future as each new release brings new features and performance improvements.

What is React Native?

Created by Facebook, React Native is an open-source-based mobile application framework that uses only JavaScript, making it capable of supporting both Android and iOS platforms. React, also known as React.js, saves time and effort for developers since they only need one programming language. The Native element allows developers to create JavaScript components to design software programs that run on various devices and platforms, such as smartphones, smart TVs, and laptops. With React Native, developers use the same concepts used in the original React framework to design a rich mobile user interface (UI) for various environments from existing components.

What careers use React Native?

Businesses that want to create mobile apps for iOS and Android simultaneously to ensure a seamless rollout need developers with a background in React Native. Careers in mobile app development that rely on React Native can count on professionals who can design and build stunning UIs in multiple platforms since it works hand-in-hand with platforms like Windows and tvOS. React Native developers are also vital to helping iOS, and Android companies update and otherwise modernize their apps with features like push notifications and animation for better effectiveness for mobile app subscribers. Developers with a background in React Native might work in full-stack development, designing and refining web-based games, websites, mobile apps, and more.

What is the difference between React Native and Google Flutter?

Google Flutter offers developers a UI toolkit that has some similarities to React Native. Flutter also has a native component and compiles web, mobile, and desktop applications from a single collection of source codes. Relying on existing code, Flutter is also a free and open-source framework for developers. Until this point, the two frameworks might sound similar. However, React Native is based on and only uses JavaScript, while Flutter only has a loose connection to the language. Google Flutter primarily uses a new language called Dart. Other differences between the two involve sourcing the tool itself and the installation process, setup and configuration, UI component and development, and community support.

What is Angular and what are its benefits?

Angular is an open-source, client-side framework for building single-page websites and desktop and mobile applications. It is a full-featured JavaScript application built on TypeScript, which operates across platforms and keeps code clean and consistent throughout the codebase. Angular is an all-in-one rapid application development platform that allows web pages to render efficiently by minimizing communication with servers. The Angular framework offers end-to-end tooling or routing, state management, and form validation, as well as dependency injection and declarative templates. Angular offers out-of-the-box functionality and easy updating, along with an extensive collection of pre-made components. The TypeScript base includes high-quality code that reduces the burden of debugging and allows multiple developers to collaborate across platforms with minimal disruption and less coding.

Is learning Angular hard?

Angular is a complex application that contains multiple libraries and cross-platform functionalities, so it can take some time to learn its many features. Angular’s learning curve depends partly on your previous knowledge of web development and your familiarity with the languages used in the Angular platform. If you’re new to Angular, it’s helpful to have some familiarity with the basics of web design and the essentials of HTML and CSS. It’s also useful to know about the other languages that make up the Angular framework. These include basic HTML and CSS, as well as ECMAScript6, or ES6, a general programming language designed to ensure interoperability of web pages across the Internet. It’s also helpful to understand TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript used to write Angular. Learning Angular is even easier if you’re familiar with JavaScript, which is an implementation of ES6 and Angular’s base language.

What is Angular used for?

Developers mainly use Angular to build dynamic single-page applications (SPAs) for web, mobile, and desktop. SPAs are web pages based on a single HTML file that is completely controlled by JavaScript. When an action such as clicking a button happens on the page, the code renders it on the page instantly without sending a new request to the server. TypeScript and Angular’s other tools, including routing, state management, and ROM validation, make SPA creation easy and fast. Its open-source JavaScript framework allows developers to reuse code across multiple platforms. Angular’s component-based architecture simplifies the development workflow, making it possible to design apps for deployment in a wide range of environments and update them without extensive recoding.

What is the difference between Angular and React?

Angular and React are both rapid application development (RAD) platforms based on JavaScript. Angular is a multilayered framework that runs on Typescript and is compatible with many different code editors. It is a full-featured web development platform that requires no additional libraries. This means Angular can independently carry out a full range of development functions such as data binding, form validation, and dependency injection. First introduced in 2013, React is a JavaScript library managed by Facebook, and it works for both single- and multi-page web applications. React is a framework for UI development that’s smaller and faster than Angular. However, it requires other libraries or modules to provide the full range of Angular’s functions. React is easy to install and use for anyone who already knows JavaScript, and because it operates with a virtual DOM, the browser load reduces. Angular operates with a real DOM, which leads to longer runtimes and slower performance.

Is Angular free to use and where can I get it?

Angular has both free and paid options, but the developer doesn’t provide pricing information about its paid version for enterprises and large organizations; this information is only available with a custom quote. Individual users can also obtain Angular for free from the developer site. This open-source software is available under an MIT license granted by Google, which gives permission to use the Angular application for any purpose without limitation. New users can also download a free trial version of Angular from the developer. This version is a ready-made standalone app that contains most key features of the platform, and you can install it on any computer without taking all the steps to create the full Angular environment. The free Angular app allows users to get started by learning Angular’s key features and creating a basic app of their own.

What careers use Angular?

Angular is one of the most popular web development platforms in use today. Skills in using Angular can be helpful for several careers in fields related to web design and development. Angular skills are most important for careers in practical web development, including specialties like frontend development, which involves designing client-facing web elements such as visual content, UI and UX development, and general software development. Software engineers and site designers can also benefit from learning Angular. It is a JavaScript application, so it’s also useful for JavaScript developers. It’s also possible to create a career around a specialization in Angular development alone. Angular development specialists can work as consultants or independent contractors with multiple organizations needing web development services.

What IDE is best for Angular?

An integrated development environment, or IDE, is a software application that consolidates essential web developer tools in a single graphical interface, which streamlines the development process and promotes consistency across all relevant platforms. Many IDEs now support Angular development projects, and there’s an option for every budget. The best paid IDE for Angular is Angular IDE. It was developed especially for the platform, so it supports all its features. Angular IDE is available as a standalone plugin or with an Eclipse plugin. New users can get a 45-day free trial before purchasing. Visual Studio Code is a general-purpose IDE that supports multiple development platforms, including Angular. This free, open-source IDE from Microsoft includes support for TypeScript code and several downloadable Angular plugins.

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Full Stack Web Development with ReactJS, React Native, Angular

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Who this course is for:

  • Beginners who wants to be React developer
  • Anyone who wants to become an React Developer
  • Anyone who wants to build amazing React single page web applications
  • Students who want to learn how to build fast single page web apps
  • Anyone interested in learning an extremely popular technology used by leading tech companies like Facebook, Instagram and Netflix
  • Students who want to take their web development skills to the next level and learn a future-proof technology
  • People who are willing to make a career in the application world
  • Anyone looking to build a career as a NodeJS developer
  • Anyone interested in NodeJS
  • Developers new to NodeJS
  • Anyone who wants to learn MongoDB
  • Professionals who are willing to learn MongoDB
  • People who to become web developer
  • People who to become mobile developer
  • People who to become front end web developer
  • People who to become backend web developer
  • People who to become full stack web developer
  • People who to become web developement with react, react native, angular
  • People who to learn full stack web development
  • People who to learn full stack web development or mobile app development
  • The Absolute Beginners Guide to Cyber Security 2022 - Part 2
  • Apache Kafka Series - Kafka Security | SSL SASL Kerberos ACL
  • Learn AWS The Hard Way
  • Complete, practical SDN and OpenFlow Fundamentals: over 8hrs Udemy

Course Details:

  • 32.5 hours on-demand video
  • 7 articles
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

FullStack Web Development with ReactJS, ReactNative, Angular udemy free download

Full Stack Web Development with React JS, React Native, Angular, NodeJS, MongoDB and Learn Mobile App Development

Demo Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/mobile-and-web-development-with-react-js-native-angular/