MERN Stack Course 2022 - MongoDB, Express, React & NodeJS

Build Full Stack React Application from Scratch with MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS in this project based course.

MERN Stack Course 2022 - MongoDB, Express, React & NodeJS
MERN Stack Course 2022 - MongoDB, Express, React & NodeJS

MERN Stack Course 2022 - MongoDB, Express, React & NodeJS udemy course

Build Full Stack React Application from Scratch with MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS in this project based course.

What you'll learn:

  • Learn how to build Fullstack apps from scratch
  • Learn how to implement JWT authentication - User Registration, Login, Password Reset
  • Learn how to store data in MongoDB
  • Learn how to send automated email
  • Learn how to upload images in MERN stack and save to cloudinary
  • State management with Redux Toolkit
  • Deploy app to both Heroku and Render


  • Students should know HTML, CSS & JavaScript before taking this course
  • Students should know ReactJS before taking this course


Welcome To The MERN Stack Course

stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js - and combined, these four technologies allow you to build amazing web applications.

During this course we will:

  • Learn some NodeJS basics

  • Build API endpoints with Express

  • Build authentication with JSON Web  Token including User Registration, Login and Password Reset

  • Upload image with multer and save to Cloudinary

  • Protect routes to only be accessed by logged-in users

  • Build Frontend pages with React and SCSS

  • Setup Routing with React Router V6

  • Setup MongoDB

  • Complete CRUD functionality

  • Implement pagination on the front-end

  • Connect frontend to backend using Axios

  • Manage state with Redux Toolkit

  • Build a dashboard for product management

  • Utilize "express-async-handler" package

  • Setup error handling in Express

  • Hash passwords

  • Build a user profile page

  • Build a contact us page

  • Edit user profile from the frontend

  • Deploy the app to Heroku and Render

What are the requirements for taking this course?

  1. Knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript

  2. Knowledge of React

  3. NO Prior Knowledge of NodeJS and Express is required.

Who this course is for?

  • Developers who got basic React knowledge and want to build a full stack app with the MERN stack from scratch.


This is not an introduction to React course, you are expected to know React before taking this course. However, I try to explain the ReactJS concepts used in every section.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 26 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

MERN Stack Course 2022 - MongoDB, Express, React & NodeJS udemy free download

Build Full Stack React Application from Scratch with MongoDB, Express, React and NodeJS in this project based course.

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