Mechanical engineering design : Sheet metal design

Learn Sheet metal design, processes and practical design considerations along with Design projects.

Mechanical engineering design : Sheet metal design
Mechanical engineering design : Sheet metal design Udemy Free Download

Mechanical engineering design : Sheet metal design udemy course

Learn Sheet metal design, processes and practical design considerations along with Design projects.

What you'll learn:

  • How to design effectively with sheet metal
  • Guidelines to be followed when designing for sheet metal
  • Understand the principles at play behind the factors considered in design
  • How Material properties affect the Part quality and design considerations
  • Designing simple sheet metal brackets using Fusion 360


  • Basic knowledge of Sheet metal processes
  • Fundamental knowledge of Material properties
  • Basic knowledge of physical Product design



Added 4 Design projects - Mechanical Design of simple sheet metal brackets  using Auto desk Fusion 360  for specific problem statements. Learn practical sheet metal design with a strong theoretical understanding of underlying Design principles.

This course covers the essential basic theoretical and practical knowledge required for Designing Sheet metal parts.

  • The common processes

  • Materials and the properties which matter for design

  • Comparison between hardness, toughness and strength

  • What happens to the Material when it is formed or Bent?

  • The Theory behind Forming and Bending

  • Form-ability and Bend-ability of metal sheets and what factors affect them

  • Forming limit diagrams and how they are created

  • Bending Parameters  in design

  • K factor, Neutral axis, Bend allowance

  • The concept of Spring-back and ways to reduce it

  • Deep drawing process

  • Joining processes and their comparison

  • Design Guidelines to create cost- effective designs which are suitable for manufacturing.

  • Design projects

So if you are a student exploring the world of product design  or a design engineer who wants to make products with sheet metal then this courses will be a good value addition.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 5 hours on-demand video
  • 2 articles
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Mechanical engineering design : Sheet metal design udemy free download

Learn Sheet metal design, processes and practical design considerations along with Design projects.

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