Master WordPress by building 5 Real-World WordPress Projects

Design and Develop major websites like business website, e-commerce web application, Blogging website etc. from scratch

Master WordPress by building 5 Real-World WordPress Projects
Master WordPress by building 5 Real-World WordPress Projects

Master WordPress by building 5 Real-World WordPress Projects udemy course

Design and Develop major websites like business website, e-commerce web application, Blogging website etc. from scratch

What you'll learn:

  • You will be able to build a highly converting Landing Page
  • You will be able to build a Business website along with Online Payment System
  • You will be able to create an amazing News portal/Blogging website
  • You will be able to design and develop an ecommerce web application from scratch (all major features included)
  • You will be Building a personal web developer portfolio


  • No coding knowledge needed.
  • Laptop/PC with normal Internet connection to watch and practice the course content


Do you know some basics about Wordpress yet don't feel much confident about your wordpress skills to take client projects or do you feel incompetent as a developer because you are comfortable only with using ready-made themes and go blank when a client asks for custom features/design then worry no more as I will be here assisting you along the way and we will be building projects so you gain all the confidence in taking more projects and delivering it successfully like an expert?

This is a purely project-based course where we will be building 5 amazing projects from scratch and you will learn by doing not just theory but also will be implementing it simultaneously. also, do not forget, you need no programming skills to take this course if you already know it's great! but we will learn to build things without coding.

The 5 complex projects include:

  1. Landing page

  2. Business website

  3. Ecommerce website

  4. News Portal

  5. Portfolio website

Coming to the freebies, Everyone likes freebies. while learning WordPress or building 5 Projects you will need some premium plugins along the way, but you need not worry as once you enroll we offer those plugins to you for free ( for educational purposes )

  • Free Elementor pro

  • Free Jet plugins &

  • To go live you get free 30 Days of hosting

As technology keeps changing, we need to update too. I will be updating course chapters and Projects all the time to make them relevant for the present and future. So you take it once and get updates for a lifetime.

What are you waiting for?

Let's dive in and get started with building some cool wordpress projects which you can be proud of and at the same time excel in your WordPress-related career.

No matter if you are a Freelancer, Digital Marketer, or Web Developer this course is for you. You will have proof of skill and confidence to take on projects independently.

Enroll now! I will see you inside!

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 15.5 hours on-demand video
  • 6 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Master WordPress by building 5 Real-World WordPress Projects udemy free download

Design and Develop major websites like business website, e-commerce web application, Blogging website etc. from scratch

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