Master C# And SQL By Building Applications

Become a better software developer by learning how to build real world applications using C# and SQL.

Master C# And SQL By Building Applications
Master C# And SQL By Building Applications

Master C# And SQL By Building Applications udemy course

Become a better software developer by learning how to build real world applications using C# and SQL.

What you'll learn:

  • You can be confident that after taking this course you will be able to write programs in C# (c sharp) on your own
  • You won’t just learn how to write a “for loop” or an “if statement” instead you will see how it is used in an actual application
  • You will learn how to write clean code that will make your work more elegant, readable and respectable


  • We will be using Visual Studio Community 2015 (but once Visual Studio gets more updates the course will continue on with the most recent version of Visual Studio Community), so you can download and install it yourself or do it along with me during the course
  • It would be preferred that you already know C# (c sharp) basics such as variables, expressions, flow of control statement, but it is not required


It is time for you to master C# and SQL by putting them together and pushing yourself to build real life applications. There are no shortcuts or magic potions that will make you good. You will just have to take the course, dedicate your time and learn all of the information.

The sole purpose of this course is to challenge you to put multiple technologies together while solving real life problems.

All of the applications written in this course could be used in the real world with a bit of enhancement.

We are not just going to write simple console applications. We will start with a console application, but then we will build up on top of that and move on to WPF forms using XAML. We will learn about MVVM best practices.

At the same time each application is going to be a combination of SQL and C# together. We will be building SQL tables, SQL views, SQL stored procedures, SQL user defined data types and much more. Then we will be using SQL explorer to connect to SQL Server from Visual Studio.

We will be putting SQL data onto Excel worksheets and workbooks and emailing them over as an attachment all through C#.

We will be building WPF forms which use data coming from the database and using Dapper we will make the communication between our C# code and SQL Server seamless.

There is so much more so you will have to take the course and see it for yourself.

The great thing is that I took the time to make this course interesting and flowing so you don't have to suffer through it. You will enjoy it and even more so will want to rematch it again.

Make sure that you have already taken the courses mentioned in the prerequisites section. This way you will be ready to dive into the course and be able to keep up with the pace.

If you are able to get through this course, understand it and feel comfortable with the concepts then you are ready to enter the real world of software development. Of course there are always going to be challenges but you will be equipped with enough skill to be able to handle the complexities and find an optimal solution.

I will see you on the other side - take action now!

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 6 hours on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Master C# And SQL By Building Applications udemy free download

Become a better software developer by learning how to build real world applications using C# and SQL.

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