Arabic Language - basic to advance

Learn to read and speak arabic

Arabic Language - basic to advance
Arabic Language - basic to advance

Arabic Language - basic to advance udemy course

Learn to read and speak arabic

What you'll learn:

The Ultimate Arabic Course | Learn Arabic Language Course

  • You will learn how to recognize, read, and pronounce letters perfectly
  • You will learn Arabic Sounds Qualities explained in detail درجات الأصوات العربية
  • You will learn how to read Arabic letters fluently in their naturally connected form
  • You will be introduced to writing Arabic words step by step (short introduction) مُقدمة لكتابة الكلماتِ خطوة بخطوة
  • You will learn to practice Arabic letters and listening skills
  • You will learn a unique method of memorizing and remembering letters
  • You will learn what the Arabic letters look like in their various forms
  • You will learn common mistakes when pronouncing Arabic letters and how to avoid them الأخطاءُ الشائعةُ عند نطق الحروف
  • You will learn how to write the 28 letters correctly step by step كتابة الحروف بطريقة صحيحة خطوة بخطوة
  • You will learn how to practice Arabic writing
  • Learn the meanings of many day-to-day words as a natural consequence of the learning process
  • You will learn how to write the 28 letters according to the line كتابة الحروف طبقا للخط
  • You will learn common mistakes when writing Arabic letters and how to avoid them الأخطاءُ الشائعةُ عند كتابة الحروف العربية
  • You will be in a strong position to study Arabic grammar
  • You will learn the difference between Soft Sounds VS Amplified Sounds (the 5 pairs) الحروف المرققة والحروف المفخمة
  • You will learn Arabic sounds VS English sounds – deep analysis with examples مقارنة بين الأصوات في اللغة العربية والإنجليزية
  • You will learn how to write the 28 letters’ initial shape (at the beginning of the word) with example words 2 كتابة الحروف في بداية الكلمة
  • You will learn Soft Sound and amplified sounds with Examples أمثلة على الحروف المرققة والحروف المفخمة
  • You will learn how to write the 28 letters in the correct direction using the arrows method كتابة الحروف في الاتجاه الصحيح
  • You will learn connecting letters VS non-connecting letters الحروف المتصلة والغير متصلة
  • You will learn how to write the 28 letters’ initial shape (at the beginning of the word) كتابة الحروف في بداية الكلمة
  • You will learn how to write the 28 letters’ initial shape (at the beginning of the word) with example words كتابة الحروف في بداية الكلمة
  • You will learn how to write the 28 letters in the middle shape (when the letter is in between two letters) with examples كتابة الحروف في منتصف الكلمة مع الأمثلة
  • You will learn how to write the 28 letters in the middle shape (when the letter is in between two letters) with examples كتابة الحروف في منتصف الكلمة مع الأمثلة
  • You will learn how to write the 28 letters in the terminal shape (when the letter is the last letter of the word) with examples
  • You will learn how to write words with examples كتابة الكلمات مع الأمثلة
  • You will be introduced to vowels in Arabic with examples الحركات
  • You will learn the short vowel Fathah with examples الفتحة
  • You will learn the short vowel Dammah with examples الضمة
  • You will learn the short vowel Kasrah with examples الكسرة
  • You will be introduced to long vowels in Arabic الحركات الطويلة
  • You will learn the supplementary letter (non-alphabetic character) ha.m°.za.h° الهمزة
  • You will learn the supplementary letters (non-alphabetic character) laam° alef° and taaâ° ma.r°.bootah° اللام ألف والتاء المربوطة
  • You will learn the long vowel alef° with examples
  • You will learn the long vowel waa.w° with examples
  • You will learn the long vowel yaaa.â° with examples
  • You will learn the supplementary letter (non-alphabetic character) elongated alef° ألف المد
  • You will learn supplementary letter (non-alphabetic character) dagger alef° الألف الخنجرية
  • You will learn supplementary letter (non-alphabetic character) shortened alef° الألف المقصورة
  • You will be introduced to definite and indefinite in Arabic المعرفة والنكرة
  • You will be introduced to ta.n°.ween° التنوين
  • You will learn the popular rule about Sokoto.n° “Use Sokoto.n° to be safe” with examples
  • You will learn shaddah° with fat°hah° with examples الشدة مع الفتحة
  • You will be introduced to the relative year.â° ياء النسبة
  • You will learn shadda.h° with ta.n°.wee.n° fa.t°.ha.h° with examples الشدة مع تنوين الفتحة
  • You will be introduced to assimilation, sun and moon letters الحروف القمرية والحروف الشمسية
  • You will learn Moon letters with examples أمثلة على الحروف القمرية
  • You will learn Sun letters with examples أمثلة على الحروف الشمسية


  • It’s a beginner course – so no previous experience or knowledge is necessary. Absolute beginners can take this course
  • The language of instruction is English so students should have a basic grasp of the English language
  • Commitment – as with anything in life, the repetition of any ideal leads to its manifestation. Being consistent and persevering will ensure success.


Arabic is spoken as a mother tongue by between 250 and 400 million people across 25 countries. Over a
billion people can read the script even if they can’t understand the language. And Arabic happens to be
one of the official languages of the United Nations. Therefore, many people learn the language for
formal reasons.
At about 1,500 years old, Arabic also happens to be a very old language. It was the language of
scholarship throughout the rule of the Islamic empires – a period of well over 1,000 years from the 7th
century right down to the 19th and even 20th. The greatest books of medicine, geology, law, philosophy,
and basically any subject you can imagine were all written in the finest Arabic. Therefore, many of the
most advanced people in their fields of study learn Arabic for scientific and anthropological reasons.
Arabic is also the language of the Qur’an (the Islamic holy book). It doesn’t matter what your beliefs are,
the Qur’an is unequivocally, undeniably and undoubtedly the greatest form of Arabic literature, and
indeed the greatest form of literature, period. The beauty of this piece of literature is, in fact, quite
literally, miraculous. Therefore, tens of millions of people learn this language to witness firsthand the
beauty and miracle that is The Qur’an... religious reasons.
In fact, emphasis has been placed on studying the Arabic language by the Prophet (PBUH) himself when
he said to the effect: learn the Arabic language as you learn the Islamic obligations and practices. His
companions, who, remember, were Arabs, used to learn Arabic despite the fact that it was their mother
tongue. They used to say: teach your children Arabic. They used to correct each other’s grammar. They
would consider it unacceptable to make a grammatical mistake. And the scholars that followed them in
later centuries all emphasized learning Arabic. Imam Abu Hanifa said to the effect: I would’ve made
learning this language compulsory had I not deemed it difficult on the people.
That is because
1. in order to truly understand the message of God as it was revealed, one must understand it in
the very language it was revealed, and
2. the Qur’an is a literary miracle – really, a full blown miracle – and in order to witness it, you
need to simply learn the language and you will witness a miracle with your very own eyes

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Arabic Language - basic to advance udemy free download

Learn to read and speak arabic

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