Lean Productivity Lab for Small Business and Startups

How to Save at Least 30 Minutes a Day and Scale Your Business Efficiently Using Lean Principles

Lean Productivity Lab for Small Business and Startups
Lean Productivity Lab for Small Business and Startups Udemy Free Download

Lean Productivity Lab for Small Business and Startups udemy course

How to Save at Least 30 Minutes a Day and Scale Your Business Efficiently Using Lean Principles

What you'll learn:

  • Save at least 30 minutes every day by increasing efficiency in your business
  • Increase productivity and efficiency
  • Get time back for parts of the business they love
  • Scale and grow revenue
  • Identify and prioritise value-adding activities
  • Principles of lean for developing efficient processes


  • No prerequisites, just come with an open mind and ready to do the work


Are you a small business leader feeling the pressure and struggling to grow sustainably?

Do you worry that what you’re doing won’t scale in a way that will allow you to grow impact across markets?

Does it feel like you’re losing sight of that dream lifestyle that motivated you to become an entrepreneur?

Would you like to wake up each day knowing you have the processes in place to run an efficient and productive business?

I can help.

When you first started, the business was so exciting.

But as you’ve grown the cracks have started to show.

Now you and your team are under pressure to keep delivering, but you’re spending more time-fighting fires in your business than on your business.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

In this course you will learn:

* Save time by implementing systems to manage your day to day

Increase productivity to grow sales and scale your digital business

* Free your mind and create space to focus on living that dream lifestyle

* How to reconnect with those customers you love to serve

Over the last nine years, I have worked in process development and innovation teams at top companies across industries.

Now as a certified small business consultant, I help you move from feeling overwhelmed, unable to scale, to having processes in place to be more productive and grow your business.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Lean Productivity Lab for Small Business and Startups udemy free download

How to Save at Least 30 Minutes a Day and Scale Your Business Efficiently Using Lean Principles

Demo Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/lean-productivity-lab/