Leadership Essentials for Creative Professionals

Encouragement and advice for aspiring, new and emerging leaders

Leadership Essentials for Creative Professionals
Leadership Essentials for Creative Professionals

Leadership Essentials for Creative Professionals udemy course

Encouragement and advice for aspiring, new and emerging leaders

What you'll learn:

  • Communicate effectively with anyone
  • Transform any team into super-stars!
  • Inspire and lead your team to success
  • Be the best boss you can be!


  • A willingness to learn
  • An open mind
  • A desire to be a great leader or manager!


One of the most scary career moments is when you become a leader of other people. In creative organizations, this can be even more challenging due to the fascinating mix of people involved. You probably got the job because you were good at doing things, but now you will be measured on how well the people who report to you perform, and your role goes from one of doing to one of motivating, inspiring and coaching your team members. Nervous? of course you are! I would like to help you settle into your new role and offer encouragement, and some helpful tips that will get you started in the right direction. Trust me, you can do this, and this course will help you!

When I envisioned this course, I was imagining a scenario where I got contacted by someone who said "Rob, I've just been made leader, and I'm terrified! Could I spend an hour or so with you to get your insights on how I can do well?" So I made this course with that person in mind. I'd like to impart in a short amount of time what I feel are the most important ideas that emerging leaders can take with them into the new role and can continue developing as they move forward. By taking this course, you will be able to avoid the classic mistakes that can happen, and get yourself launched in a way that will leave you and your team better off, happier and more effective.

In addition to being a multiple award-winning filmmaker, I am also a business advisor and coach with an MBA and a doctorate in business leadership. I have been teaching leadership and management courses at the college level for years and have written books on both creative and business topics. As someone with a well-developed business and creative crossover skill set, I feel I can offer you some powerful insights into what leadership is like in creative fields. I have learned a lot over the years, and have distilled what I feel are the most powerful lessons I have learned so that you can quickly get up to speed in your leadership role and be more confident and comfortable in your choices. Sound good? Let's get started! 

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 1 hour on-demand video
  • 11 articles
  • 2 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Leadership Essentials for Creative Professionals udemy free download

Encouragement and advice for aspiring, new and emerging leaders

Demo Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/leadership-essentials-for-creative-professionals/