JIRA Visual Reference: Issue Administration

An Admin's Guide to the Issue Administration Area in JIRA

JIRA Visual Reference: Issue Administration
JIRA Visual Reference: Issue Administration

JIRA Visual Reference: Issue Administration udemy course

An Admin's Guide to the Issue Administration Area in JIRA

What you'll learn:

  • After watching this course you'll have a firm understanding of every section in the Issue Administration area of JIRA.
  • After watching this course, you'll have a great idea of what JIRA is capable of doing so you'll know how to boost your team's performance in JIRA.
  • Perhaps best of all, you don't have to memorize everything in this course. Just come back to the individual videos in this course to get a refresher on exactly what you need.


  • You'll need to have access to a JIRA installation.
  • This course is intended for JIRA administrators, so you need to have administrative privileges in your JIRA instance.
  • While you don't need advanced knowledge of JIRA, it's recommended you're familiar with the basics.


In this course we'll cover all of the features in the Issue Administration of JIRA. While many online tutorials intend for you to watch them from start to finish, this course is intended to be a visual reference meaning you can hop in at any point to learn exactly what you need.

We'll start by covering Issue Types in JIRA. We'll learn what they are, how to use them, how to create them and how to apply them to projects. Then we'll learn what Workflows are, how to create them and dive deep into the various transition options we have for them. Along the way we'll learn about Workflow Schemes to apply them to projects.

From there we'll keep moving along as we learn about Screens, Fields, Issue Features, Issue Attributes and many, many more features in JIRA.

While this course is not necessarily intended to be something you watch from start to finish, this course is intended to be there when you need it. To be that reference guide you can jump back to as you're working in your own JIRA instance. That said, of course you are welcome to watch it from start to finish so you can get an incredibly in-depth look at exactly how you can administer issues in JIRA.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 3.5 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

JIRA Visual Reference: Issue Administration udemy free download

An Admin's Guide to the Issue Administration Area in JIRA

Demo Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/jira-visual-reference-issue-administration/