API Quiz Game JavaScript Project Google SpreadSheet Data

Explore how to connect to a Google Sheet Data JSON feed and use the data to create a dynamic web quiz game application

API Quiz Game JavaScript Project Google SpreadSheet Data
API Quiz Game JavaScript Project Google SpreadSheet Data

API Quiz Game JavaScript Project Google SpreadSheet Data udemy course

Explore how to connect to a Google Sheet Data JSON feed and use the data to create a dynamic web quiz game application

What you'll learn:

  • How to connect to a web api
  • How to use JavaScript DOM to create page elements
  • Loop through JSON data
  • Explore Google Web App data from spreadsheet


  • JavaScript HTML and CSS
  • Computer access and internet
  • Programming experience


Explore how to connect to a Google Sheet Data as a JSON feed and use the data to create a dynamic web quiz game application

Welcome to the course that will show you how you can apply JavaScript to connect to a web API - get JSON data and build a JavaScript Quiz game from scratch using the data coming from a Google Spreadsheet.  As a bonus the course will also show you how you can setup your own spreadsheet webapp using Google Script so that you can customize the content and have your very own version of the questions in your application.


Source code is included - please try the code as you work through the lessons.

Course Covers applying JavaScript code

  • How to setup the basic Project shell with HTML and CSS

  • How to use JavaScript query selector to select page elements as JavaScript objects

  • Use fetch to connect to the web app URL for data source

  • JSON data and how to prepare it in JavaScript

  • Creating a function to display data content in the web application

  • Logic to approach game design and building of the web application

  • Next steps for player and using Game data

  • Debugging and advancing game design

  • Apply styling for a better looking game

  • Conclude the game quiz - make it dynamic so driven by the JSON data and flexible to change as the data changes.

  • Create a Google Script web app using Google Spreadsheet data

  • Structure JSON from an array object

  • Connecting sheet data to your web application

Enjoy learning have fun!!!!

Try the code for yourself and explore what you can do with JavaScript

Fast Friendly support to help answer any questions you might have and to help clarify content is always available in the Q&A section.  Taught by an instructor with over 20 years real world experience ready to help you learn more.  Step by step training resources and source code is also included to get you started quickly.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

1 hour on-demand video
10 articles
4 downloadable resources
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of completion

API Quiz Game JavaScript Project Google SpreadSheet Data udemy free download

Explore how to connect to a Google Sheet Data JSON feed and use the data to create a dynamic web quiz game application

Demo Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/javascript-quiz-game/