Intro to Augmented Reality on the Web: WebXR and Three.js

Learn how to code and run augmented reality WebXR experiences on iOS and Android

Intro to Augmented Reality on the Web: WebXR and Three.js
Intro to Augmented Reality on the Web: WebXR and Three.js

Intro to Augmented Reality on the Web: WebXR and Three.js udemy course

Learn how to code and run augmented reality WebXR experiences on iOS and Android

What you'll learn:

Introduction to Web AR development

  • Learn how to build different types of Web AR apps, like Image Effects, Face Effects, and World Effects.
  • Begin to learn about how AR works in web browsers.
  • Use WebXR, mind-ar-js, and threejs to make web AR apps.
  • Learn how to use tensorflowjs to combine AR with machine learning models and build interactive experiences.
  • Get to know other important web AR libraries, such as AFRAME, model-viewer, and commercial SDKs, such as how they work.
  • Learn how to use effective tools for debugging, simulating, and mocking to speed up development.
  • Then, learn about all the different types of web AR technology that are available now or in the near future, and when to use them.
  • Build and put up an online portfolio of your own AR work.


  • HTML, javascript, and CSS are some of the things you should know.
    A person who owns an Android or iOS phone



Augmented reality has the potential to become massively adopted on the web, where users don’t have to download apps or make sure they have the latest hardware. WebXR is one of the newest, official web APIs that allows developers to create VR and AR experiences using Javascript.

Don’t miss out on being one of the first developers to be well-versed in a technology that will be all over the web soon. Within less than an hour you could be creating your own AR experiences on the web!


If you review this course syllabus and decide you want more advanced content, be sure to check out longer course on our website: webxracademy dot com.


  • English closed captions have been manually transcribed and are high quality.

  • Subtitles available in Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, German, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Korean, Hindi, and Turkish.


By the end of this course you will know the basics of how to create simple augmented reality experiences on the web and a basic understanding of how to design and code 3D experiences. Each lecture includes sample code and external link examples to support your learning. 

Specifically you will learn how to:

  • Create basic AR apps on the web using WebXR

  • Use a powerful 3D library called Three.js used by millions of applications on the web

  • Load and display 3D objects and models in AR

  • Animate objects and models

  • Positioning and rotation in AR

  • Work with different types of 3D models

  • Use touch gestures to provide interactivity

  • Convert any Three.js application into an AR app

  • Test WebXR experiences on your desktop, iOS, or Android devices


While you will find it useful to have some previous Javascript and web programming knowledge, the class can be followed by absolute beginners as the coding environment is simple and the code examples are set up with many comments and explanations. If you don’t know anything about 3D environments, augmented reality, Three.js or WebXR then this class is for you.

While you can prototype WebXR using any desktop computer, to simulate real mobile AR you want to have either an iOS device that supports ARKit (most phones or iPads after 2017) or an Android device that supports ARCore (most phones after 2016).


We are a coding school specializing in the exciting new technology of augmented reality on the web. No more downloading of apps or cumbersome coding in Swift or Java, just create your AR app in Javascript, HTML, and CSS and make it available painlessly to millions of people all over the world.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 2.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Intro to Augmented Reality on the Web: WebXR and Three.js udemy free download

Learn how to code and run augmented reality WebXR experiences on iOS and Android

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