Public Speaking and Presentations Pro: No Beginners Allowed!

Learn the public speaking secrets to giving a master presentation, techniques most speakers have never even heard of.

Public Speaking and Presentations Pro: No Beginners Allowed!
Public Speaking and Presentations Pro: No Beginners Allowed!

Public Speaking and Presentations Pro: No Beginners Allowed! udemy course

Learn the public speaking secrets to giving a master presentation, techniques most speakers have never even heard of.

What you'll learn:

  • How to instantly captivate your audience and keep them engaged so they can’t wait to hear what you have to say next
  • How to quickly identify the goals of your audience without them knowing you did it
  • The secret to answering questions so you always look like you know the answer even when you don’t
  • The blueprint for creating a PowerPoint show that reminds you what to say, and still engages your audience without patronizing them
  • An easy 5 step approach to introducing yourself that will get your audience to believe in you, listen to you, and trust you
  • The “James Earl Jones effect” - Tips for speaking with impressive confidence
  • How to organize and prepare for your keynote presentation in less time
  • Fool-proof methods to avoid feeling intimidated by powerful people
  • How to identify and harness YOUR unique strengths, and the pitfalls of trying to be like someone else
  • Effective strategies to overcome your fear of public speaking
  • The secret to creating an amazing experience for your audience no matter how boring your topic may be
  • How to take advantage of working the “sweet spot” – the place in the room that makes you look confident and engaging every time
  • An easy system for practicing and improving your keynote presentation that doesn't require an audience
  • Exactly what to do with your hands during your keynote presentation, and why it’s so important to get it right
  • The 4 presentation styles of keynote speakers and how you can use them to connect with every member of your audience
  • The truth about what makes people laugh and how you can use that to your advantage
  • Techniques for building a relationship with your audience and why it’s so critical to do it
  • How to finish your keynote presentation right on time EVERY time and close so your audience feels like you're the best they’ve ever seen


  • Download the Dazzle Handout that accompanies this course so that you can follow along perfectly with what is being said.
  • Stop the video when Jason says to do each of the many activities that are in this program so that you can get the full experience.
  • Apply each of the Your turns that occur in each of the major section descriptions to your training so that you can see dramatic differences in your public speaking and presentations Rule the Room Dazzle Style!


I want to model for you 117 of the most Advanced Public Speaking and Presentation Skills on the Planet that will transform you from a good public speaker to an absolute ROCK STAR and go for BIGGER conferences. 

These are the same 117 skills we’ve used to help hundreds of thought leaders give amazing presentations to spread their ideas.  

That’s why there are simply NO BEGINNERS ALLOWED into this program!

Let me ask you a question...

Are you sick of procrastinating or “freaking out” about presentation deadlines, complicated content, or just giving a boring presentation?

...even better question: Is your audience sick of those things?

Maybe you feel you don’t have all the answers, you don’t know where to start, or you just want to stand out from the crowd of presenters and thought leaders?

While many thought leaders have great ideas to share, they often MISS THEIR AUDIENCE

According to a recent Leadership study published from Forbes 70% of employed Americans who give presentations agree that presentation skills are critical for their success.

Yet… 32% of people have fallen asleep during a PowerPoint presentation.  That’s about 1/3 of the people…

According to another national survey, four out of 10 top executives admit to nodding off in boring presentations…40 percent admitted to actually falling asleep during some particularly boring talks.

The problem is, most thought leaders CONTINUE to give boring, stale or mediocre talks that don’t meet the needs of their audience…

“It wasn’t anything special.”

They end up losing credibility, NOT being looked at as a subject matter expert and their audience ends up not caring about what they’re presenting up there, and they often don’t even know it!

So, why do I bring all this up?

Because I wanted you to know you’re not alone. 

I wanted to learn this so badly…

…that I spent years trying to figure it out --- to no avail.  I just couldn’t.  There were countless talks, gurus, tapes, books, lessons I read, and they didn’t help.

Finally, I decided to watch the best speakers in the world. I watched and transcribed thousands of talks to really analyze everything they said. 

I spent over 10 years studying their body language, their tone of voice..

What I discovered is that the most amazing keynote presenters have something in common…

…secrets that set them apart.

They don’t teach you these in school...

I’ve never read them in any book...

…and most professionals have never even heard about them.

Dazzle (the inside name of this program) reveals them ALL...

…every advanced technique you need to stand and deliver an amazing presentation using my exclusive presentation skills training video.

Here’s how it works:

Dazzle is an Advanced, Step-by-Step Plan for giving a Dynamic, Exciting, commanding, Engaging, Special, professional, Credible, polished, Awesome, rock star presentation that touches emotions…

   ...and allows you to go for bigger and bigger conferences.

Just follow the 117 skills laid out in 13 modules in Dazzle…

In Modules 1 through 4, you’ll learn how to hook your audience, show confidence, overcome nervousness, and tailor your approach to any audience.

Specifically, we’ll cover…

  • How to write, organize and prepare for your presentation in less time…

  • A powerful 5 step approach to introducing yourself that will get even the toughest audiences to believe in you, listen to you, and trust you…

  • An easy system for practicing and improving your presentation that doesn’t require an audience…

  • Techniques for building a relationship with your audience and why it’s so critical to do it…

  • Effective strategies to overcome your fear of public speaking

  • Fool-proof methods to avoid feeling intimidated by powerful people and their friends…

In Modules 5 through 8, you’ll learn how to speak well, present with your body, keep their attention and maximize media impact.

In this middle portion, we’ll cover…

  • The blueprint for creating a PowerPoint show that can remind you what to say, and still engage your audience without patronizing them…

  • Exactly what to do with your hands during your presentation, and why it’s so important to get it right…

  • The “James Earl Jones effect” tips for speaking with impressive confidence…

  • How to take advantage of working the “sweet spot” – the place in the room that makes you look confident and engaging every time…

  • The secret to creating an amazing experience for your audience no matter how boring your topic may be…

In Modules 9 through 13, you’ll learn how to manage pace, answer questions, make it enjoyable, handle distractions and close well.

In these final modules, we’ll cover…

  • The secret to answering questions so that you always look like you know the answer even when you don’t…

  • How to identify and harness your unique strengths, and the pitfalls of trying to be like someone else…

  • The 4 presentation styles of adults and how you can use them to connect with every member of your audience

  • The truth about what makes people laugh and how you can use that to your advantage…

  • How to finish your presentation right on time EVERY time and close so your audience feels like you're the best they’ve ever seen…

  • And a whole lot more...

If you haven’t experienced this before, it’s an amazing feeling… come away from a presentation knowing your audience connected with you, trusted you, learned from you, believed in you and took action BECAUSE of you...

With this step-by-step training plan, you’ll have a proven system of 117 new skills you can follow to Go Big, show you can do this, and fast-track your way to your next presentation, talk or big speech.

You’ll feel a confidence as a presenter you’ve never felt before.  

This program will change your presentations forever.

If this 13-module process sounds difficult, don’t worry: we make everything simple, easy to understand, and quick to learn.

In fact, you can complete the entire training in just four hours! 

Which means by this time tomorrow, you’ll be able to share your ideas on any stage more clearly, powerfully, and succinctly.

While the rest of the world continues to muddle through boring presentations and inspiring talks…

…you’ll gain credibility, confidence and unprecedented skills to present anything in a polished, interesting and dynamic way…

Your presentation will be a better reflection of who you are as an individual…as a thought leader. 

You’ll scale down complicated content to really connect with your audience, and have the skills to make boring content exciting…

…to spread your ideas, touch emotions and go for bigger and BIGGER conferences.

Again, these are the same 117 skills and techniques I modeled and taught to hundreds of thought leaders to help them spread their ideas.  

 Don't take my word for it. Hear what others have to say... 

  "I figured Jason Teteak might have a few new tricks—but not much that I hadn't heard before. I was wrong. Jason integrates the latest research on presenting, learning, and audience dynamics with a captivating style that plays with the ironic fact that he is doing presentations… about presentation skills. And therein lies the secret to this marvelous program." 

  - Philip Deloria- Professor and Associate Dean, University of Michigan 

  "It's pretty simple. Jason Teteak walks the talk. In this day and age, finding a true thought leader amongst many is the key to getting to new levels. Listening to Jason and benefitting from his teachings will take you to that new level you seek. He is cutting edge, extremely practical and connects in a way that is motivating, informing and memorable. Some of the biggest benefits received from Jason are tactics, ideas and methods that are immediately implementable. Watch Jason's program before your competition does." 

  - Al Lautenslager- Best-selling Author, Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days 

  “I have been to several seminars on public speaking and giving presentations, including Dale Carnegie training. I truly went into this thinking that I couldn't possibly learn anything new, but I found myself scribbling notes like a mad woman during the presentation. I quickly realized that these were tips and techniques that I had never heard before, and that I could use immediately upon my return to the office." 

  - Joey Monson-Lillie- Human Resources Manager 

And in case you’re skeptical, we even include case studies like this one to prove just how effective this system is…

“I consider myself a pretty good presenter. Large group, small group, whatever; I rise to the occasion. And this isn’t just my opinion; I get good evaluations from my internal classes! So other people tell me I’m a good presenter. That said . . . I was looking over the offerings today. I came across Jason’s Dazzle program. Jason started the program by saying he was going to teach all 157 of us how to give an amazing presentation. That’s some chutzpah. But he followed through. Wow! Just before watching his program, I finished a PPT that I’ll be delivering to Yale at their kickoff next week. Now I want to tear half of it up. This program ought to be required for everyone. Best . . . class . . . ever!” 

    - Craig Joseph -- EHR Physician Advisor (MD)

“There are so many different things in this program from the power of the pause to facial expressions and body language that I think are just phenomenal strategies and things that we don’t necessarily think about but I think as presenters we owe it to our audience.”

    - Joe Crabtree -- Administrator

I truly want to help you give more effective presentations and this is the perfect time for you to start improving your success with public speaking, and Dazzle is the most powerful program available to help you do it.

Instead of NOT being invited to the table…

Instead of NOT being looked at as a subject matter expert…

Instead of LOSING them early on or boring them later on…

You can feel confident and command a room, even if you don’t have all the answers…

You’ll have the 117 advanced public speaking skills you need to present anything…

With a proven system for being an amazing speaker.

Instead of trying to research and learn all of these advanced public speaking skills on your own…wasting your time, patience, and valuable confidence dollars trying to figure out how this process works…

You can simply follow our PROVEN 13-module system to start seeing results almost instantly!

And you can do it all today, by getting access to Dazzle: Public Speaking and Presentations Pro…No Beginners Allowed!

So, to go from good to great, here’s what you should do:

Click the button and start connecting with your audience TODAY…

And like all our Rule the Room trainings, this one is protected by our 30-day, no-questions-asked guarantee…so if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back…no questions asked.

We know this process works, because it’s the same system that helped hundreds of our clients spread their ideas.

…and you’ll get to see me model exactly how to do it with a real live audience!

And as your audience grows…

You’ll be able to talk in front of bigger and BIGGER groups…delivering a confident, articulate, eloquent talk that reflects the true thought leader that you are...

That’s because, there’s a value loop of first the talk, then the opportunity, then more talks, then more opportunities, and on and on and on…

Stephen Covey once said:

“Until a person can say deeply and honestly, "I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday," that person cannot say, "I choose otherwise.”     

It’s time for you to choose otherwise…take action now to elevate your speaking to elite thought leader status!

Click the button and start connecting with your audience TODAY…

About Your Instructor

International Public Speaking Coach, TEDx Speaker and Best Selling author Jason Teteak has taught more than one million people how to flawlessly command attention and connect with audiences in their unique style.

He’s won praise and a wide following for his original methods, his engaging style, and his knack for transferring communications skills via practical, simple, universal and immediately actionable techniques.

Or as he puts it “No theoretical fluff”.

Jason gained recognition at EPIC Systems in the medical software industry, where he was known as “trainer of trainers of trainers.”

He has developed more than fifty presentation and communication training programs ranging in length from one hour to three days that serve as the basis for The Rule the Room Method.

In 2014-2019 he was named #1 Best Selling coach on Public Speaking for his on-demand video teaching tools that quickly took off for over 1,000,000 online students around the world.

Teteak has flipped the model and changed the approach to great Public Speaking for even the most seasoned veterans.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 4.5 hours on-demand video
  • 13 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Public Speaking and Presentations Pro: No Beginners Allowed! udemy free download

Learn the public speaking secrets to giving a master presentation, techniques most speakers have never even heard of.

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