German A2 - German for advanced beginners

Learn The German Grammar From A Native & Experienced German Teacher - Learn German Grammar For Advanced Beginners

German A2 - German for advanced beginners
German A2 – German For Advanced Beginners

German A2 - German for advanced beginners udemy course

Learn The German Grammar From A Native & Experienced German Teacher - Learn German Grammar For Advanced Beginners

What you'll learn:

  • After completing this course you will have learned all A2 grammar of the German language. Please consider that you will mainly learn grammar in this course.
  • Adjektivdeklination - adjective declination
  • Akkusativ - accusative
  • Dativ - dative
  • Demonstrativpronomen - demonstrative pronouns
  • Futur I - future I
  • Genitiv - genitive
  • indirekte Fragen - indirect quesitions
  • Komparativ - comparative
  • Konditionalsätze - conditional clauses
  • Konjunktiv II - subjunctive
  • das Verb "lassen" - the verb "lassen"
  • Modalverben im Präteritum - modal verbs in the preterit
  • n-Deklination - n-declination
  • Possessivartikel - possessive articles
  • Präpositionaladverbien - prepositional adverbs
  • Präteritum - preterit
  • Pronomen - pronouns
  • reflexive Verben - reflexive verbs
  • Relativpronomen - relative pronouns
  • Satzstellung mit Akkusativ und Dativ - sentence structure with accusative and dative
  • Subjunktionen - subjunctions
  • Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt - verbs with prepositional objects
  • Vorgangspassiv - process passive
  • Wechselpräpositionen - two-way prepositions
  • Wortbildung - word formation
  • Zeitadverbien - temporal adverbs
  • interesting facts about the German culture
  • Preparation for the writing part of the A2 German language exam
  • Preparation for the speaking part of the A2 German language exam


  • You should have finished the A1 level already before starting this course.


Take your German to the next level!

If you have started learning German and like to continue improving it, this course is perfect for you. Here you will learn all grammar you need for the A2 level. You will find 29 videos about grammar and further videos about the German culture and important links for studying German.

This course also includes one video which will show and prepare you for the speaking part of the A2 German language certification. In order to practice what you have learned in each lesson, you will find quizzes. There is also homework included after each chapter if you like to practice further.

The covered subjects are:

- Adjektivdeklination                                             - Akkusativ         

- Dativ                                                                      - Demonstrativpronomen

- Futur I                                                                    - Genitiv

- indirekte Fragen                                                  - Komparativ

- Konditionalsätze                                                  - Konjunktiv II

- das Verb "lassen"                                                 - Modalverben im Präteritum

- n-Deklination                                                       - Possessivartikel

- Präpositionaladverb                                            - Präteritum

- Pronomen                                                             - reflexive Verben

- Relativpronomen                                                - Satzstellung mit Akkusativ und Dativ

- Subjunktionen                                                     - Verben mit Präpositionalobjekt

- Vorgangspassiv                                                   - Wechselpräpositionen

- Wortbildung                                                         - Zeitadverbien

- interesting facts about the German culture

- Preparation for the writing and speaking part of the A2 German language exam

If you are not familiar with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; here is a brief overview:

A1 - Complete beginner

A2 - Elementary

B1 - Intermediate

B2 - Upper intermediate

C1 - Advanced

C2 - Proficient

I hope you join me inside the course & have you as one of my students.

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Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 10 hours on-demand video
  • 57 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

German A2 - German for advanced beginners udemy free download

Learn The German Grammar From A Native & Experienced German Teacher - Learn German Grammar For Advanced Beginners

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