Become a Geometry Master

Learn everything from Geometry, then test your knowledge with 460+ practice questions

Become a Geometry Master
Become A Geometry Master

Become a Geometry Master udemy course

Learn everything from Geometry, then test your knowledge with 460+ practice questions

What you'll learn:

  • Quadrilaterals, triangles, and circles, including calculations of angles, perimeter, and area
  • Three-dimensional geometry, including prisms, pyramids, cylinders, cones, and spheres
  • Transformations of figures, including translating, rotating, and reflecting
  • Logic and proofs, including conditionals and converses
  • Parallels and polygons, including interior and exterior angles
  • Triangle congruence, including SSS, ASA, SAS, AAS, HL, and CPCTC, plus the Pythagorean Theorem
  • Shapes in space, including distance between points in space
  • Dilations and scale factors, including triangle similarity statements


  • You should be comfortable with arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) of whole numbers.
  • You should be comfortable with basic algebraic operations and simple equation solving.
  • The geometry problems we'll solve will only require a little bit of basic algebra, so if you're comfortable with identifying like terms and a little equation solving, you'll be well prepared to start this course.



This 232-lesson course includes video and text explanations of everything from Geometry, and it includes 60 quizzes (with solutions!) and an additional 12 workbooks with extra practice problems, to help you test your understanding along the way. Become a Geometry Master is organized into the following sections:

  • Lines and angles, including interior angles of polygons

  • Quadrilaterals, like rectangles, squares, and parallelograms

  • Circles, including arcs, inscribed angles, and chords

  • Area and perimeter for two-dimensional figures

  • Volume and surface area for three-dimensional figures

  • Triangles, including interior angles, bisectors, and circumscribed and inscribed circles

  • Pythagorean theorem and pythagorean inequalities

  • Triangle congruence, including SSS, ASA, SAS, AAS, HL, CPCTC, and isosceles triangle theorem

  • Triangle similarity, including 45-45-90 and 30-60-90 triangles, plus triangle similarity theorem and midsegments

  • Transformations, including translating, rotating, and reflecting figures

  • Logic in geometry


Videos: Watch over my shoulder as I solve problems for every single math issue you’ll encounter in class. We start from the beginning... I explain the problem setup and why I set it up that way, the steps I take and why I take them, how to work through the yucky, fuzzy middle parts, and how to simplify the answer when you get it.

Notes: The notes section of each lesson is where you find the most important things to remember. It’s like Cliff Notes for books, but for math. Everything you need to know to pass your class and nothing you don’t.

Quizzes: When you think you’ve got a good grasp on a topic within a course, you can test your knowledge by taking one of the quizzes. If you pass, great! If not, you can review the videos and notes again or ask for help in the Q&A section.

Workbooks: Want even more practice? When you've finished the section, you can review everything you've learned by working through the bonus workbook. The workbooks include tons of extra practice problems, so they're a great way to solidify what you just learned in that section.


  • "It was a very well taught program about geometry that helped me review what I learned in school to stay fresh throughout the long summer and to go into the next school year fresh off of math." - Carolyn L.

  • “Krista is an experienced teacher who offers Udemy students complete subject matter coverage and efficient and effective lessons/learning experiences. She not only understands the course material, but also selects/uses excellent application examples for her students and presents them clearly and skillfully using visual teaching aids/tools.” - John

  • “Really good, thorough, well explained lessons.” - Scott F.

  • “This is my second course (algebra previously) from Ms. King's offerings. I enjoyed this course and learned a lot! Each video explains a concept, followed by the working of several examples. I learned the most by listening to Ms King's teaching of the concept, stopping the video, and then attempting to work the example problems. After working the problems, then watching her complete the examples, I found that I really retained the concepts. A great instructor!” - Charles M.


  • Lifetime access to Become a Geometry Master

  • Friendly support in the Q&A section

  • Udemy Certificate of Completion available for download

  • 30-day money back guarantee

Enroll today!

I can't wait for you to get started on mastering geometry.

- Krista :)

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 8 hours on-demand video
  • 90 articles
  • 154 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Become a Geometry Master udemy free download

Learn everything from Geometry, then test your knowledge with 460+ practice questions

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