Gatsby With WordPress As A Headless CMS (2019) Udemy

Use React and the static site generator Gatsby to build a front end for a WordPress site

Gatsby With WordPress As A Headless CMS (2019) Udemy
Gatsby With WordPress As A Headless CMS (2019)

Gatsby With WordPress As A Headless CMS (2019) Udemy udemy course

Use React and the static site generator Gatsby to build a front end for a WordPress site

What you'll learn:

  • Build a frontend with Gatsby and use WordPress as a headless CMS
  • Use React (That is used in Gatsby)
  • Connect WordPress with Gatsby
  • Build a real world client Website
  • Use GraphQL in Gatsby to query the data


  • Intermediate front end development skills
  • Knowledge of React
  • Basic WordPress skills


Create a REAL WORLD CLIENT Front End with Gatsby.js and WordPress as a Headless CMS!!


This course will NOT teach you how to build a WordPress site. The actual WordPress backend is pre built and I will not show how to build that. The soul purpose of this course is to teach Gatsby and how you can use Gatsby to create a Front End from a WordPress CMS. The purpose is NOT to show how the complete site is built with WordPress.

Are you a developer that like “code along” style learning? Do you want to learn Gatsby.js fundamentals in a real world project oriented course? Do you like quick learning and straight down to the point? Then this is the course for you!

Guaranteed no “foo” and “bar” … and no “to-do-list” app

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

Created by Thomas Weibenfalk
Last updated 5/2019

Size: 2.37 GB

Gatsby With WordPress As A Headless CMS (2019) Udemy udemy free download

Use React and the static site generator Gatsby to build a front end for a WordPress site

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