Web Scraping with JavaScript & Node.js

Build your own web scraper. Fetch and process data from whatever website you want!

Web Scraping with JavaScript & Node.js
Web Scraping with JavaScript & Node.js

Web Scraping with JavaScript & Node.js udemy course

Build your own web scraper. Fetch and process data from whatever website you want!

What you'll learn:

  • Create Data Scrapers from Scratch to Finish with NodeJs
  • Choosing the right tools for Scraping different websites

  • How to use the Top Scraping tools for NodeJs to your Advantage

  • How to Automate User Interactions with NodeJs
  • Build Scrapers with Puppeteer by Google
  • Build Scrapers with the native Request & Cheerio
  • Learn how to scrape with NightmareJs


  • JavaScript Knowledge with ES6 Syntax
  • Be familiar with CSS / jQuery selectors



Have you heard about Mark Zuckerberg? He has invented Facebook. But before that, he created site called FaceMash. The goal of that project was to compare 2 girls and choose which one is hotter. They weren't just random girls. They were college students. People knew them and that was the point.

But how Mark got all those girl's photos? It's simple. He fetched them from public search of colleges.

He wrote some script to do that for him, because downloading manually all those pictures would've taken a lot of time.

And this is similar to what we are going to do in this course.

We are going to fetch people's profiles from website called Badoo and filter them by names.

Basically this idea stands even for Google search.

Google is parsing pages from the internet and then filter collected data.

This is exactly what we you're going to learn in this course.

You'll learn how to use JavaScript and Node.js to fetch HTML code from every website you want!

You'll create a project with following features:

  • Getting HTML code from any URL you want with Node.js

  • Parsing HTML code to the DOM with JSDOM library

  • Filtering parsed DOM by user names

  • Passing form values with query strings to Node.js

  • noUiSlider library for nicely looking age range slider

  • Express framework

It's worth mentioning that every lecture has it's own source code files. So if you will somehow stuck you can always compare your code with code from particular lecture.

Now here's the question:

Do you want to effectively learn Node.js with modern JavaScript by creating your own web scraper?

If so, just enroll in this course now.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 8.5 hours on-demand video
  • 25 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Web Scraping with JavaScript & Node.js udemy free download

Build your own web scraper. Fetch and process data from whatever website you want!

Demo Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/fetching-and-processing-data-from-websites/