Learning Grammar with Movies and other Fun

Practical course with Songs, Jokes, Filmclips and Quotes

Learning Grammar with Movies and other Fun
English Grammar Tenses With Fun

Learning Grammar with Movies and other Fun udemy course

Practical course with Songs, Jokes, Filmclips and Quotes

What you'll learn:

  • Get ready to TOEFL and IELTS exams
  • Form and express your thoughts confidently and accurately in Speaking and Writing
  • Make your speech more coherent and logical
  • Improve your Pronunciation and Listening skills
  • Develop your Fluency


  • A pre-intermediate to intermediate level of English.
  • A desire to improve your English through practice and fun.


It is  the course that will help you to speak accuratelly  and fluently!

You will get here the explanation of All 12 English Grammar Tenses, the selection of exercises based on Jokes, Songs,  Popular  Films and Quotes. Besides you will have the chance to do a number of fun tasks to practise the rules.

You will be able to:

  • to refresh your skills in grammar theory ,

  • have  practice of all the gramar tenses,

  • have  fun while doing the tasks  based on all types of entertainment - Jokes, Films, Songs and Famous Quotes.

    Enjoy it and improve your skills at the same time!

Here is the detailed description of what your will get here.

The course consists of 47 video lectures and covers all 12 English grammar tenses, which are thoroughly explained in 3 types of lectures.

1. The Theoretical  lectures contain:

  • time lines,

  • easily explained rules with the explanations,

  • sentences that illustrate them,

  • the formation rules of each grammar tense that are presented in tables,

  • spelling rules,

  • time expressions that are used in these tenses,

  • pronunciation practice of the studied tenses.

2. The Practical lectures contain:

  • exercises to practice your grammar accuracy (that you have to stop and do) and answers to them,

  • questions that will help you to develop your speaking fluency,

  • quotes by famous people.

3. The Fun lectures contain:

  • plenty of jokes that illustrate the studied tenses,

  • film clips fromfamous movies with the exercises and answers to them,

  • famous songs the lyrics of which are written in the studied tenses,

  • quotes by famous people.

Also the course covers lectures about:

  • active and state verbs,

  • past simple and past participle forms of the regular verbs,

  • specially grouped past simple and past participle forms of the irregular verbs,

  • 2 grammar structures “used to” and “be going to”.

You will be able to evaluate your progress in 3 grammar tests:

  • Present Tenses Test

  • Past Tenses Test

  • Future Tenses Test

If you want to take your English to the next level,  It is the right course for you!

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 4 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Assignments
  • Certificate of completion

Learning Grammar with Movies and other Fun udemy free download

Practical course with Songs, Jokes, Filmclips and Quotes

Demo Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/english-grammar-tenses-with-fun/