Develop and Operate Microservices on Kubernetes

Deploy, scale, and maintain your distributed applications with Kubernetes

Develop and Operate Microservices on Kubernetes
Develop and Operate Microservices on Kubernetes

Develop and Operate Microservices on Kubernetes udemy course

Deploy, scale, and maintain your distributed applications with Kubernetes

What you'll learn:

  • Deploy containers to a Kubenetes Cluster
  • Run Kubernetes in AWS using the Kops management tool
  • Monitor a live Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus and Grafana
  • Analyse system-wide logs using the ELK Stack (ElasticStack); Kibana and ElasticSearch
  • Handle Alerts in a Kubernetes cluster by notifying Slack Channels
  • Understand how Requests and Limits work in Kubernetes
  • Use Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling
  • Use RBAC to restrict access to a Kubernetes cluster
  • Configure Ingress Control on a live Kubernetes deployment
  • Understand Kubernetes StatefulSets
  • Integrate Kubernetes with a Continuous Deployment System (CD)


  • Some previous knowledge of Docker is useful, but an overview is provided as part of the course
  • Previous knowledge of AWS is useful for the later sections of the course; however all the concepts are explained in detail and this would serve as a great first project on AWS
  • We’ll be using the terminal throughout the course so some (basic) familiarity of terminal operations is assumed
  • You will need a modern computer with at least 8Gb of RAM to run the practical sessions


Moving to microservices is not an easy transition for developers who have been building applications using more traditional methods. There are a ton of new concepts and details developers need to become familiar with when they design a distributed application. Throw Docker and Kubernetes into the mix and it becomes clear why many developers struggle to adapt to this new world.

The goal of this course is to walk you through the process of getting familiar with Kubernetes and its way of doing things. The course is designed to get you through the process of becoming familiar with the Kubernetes environment in order to be able to deploy, configure, and manage the environment where the services are going to run. You will go through examples based on the author’s real-world experience in working with Kubernetes while building complex distributed architectures. We focus on deploying services that need to store data and learn how Kubernetes Persistent Volumes can be used to create deployments that guarantee data resiliency. Moving on, we learn how to give services access to connection strings, usernames, passwords, and other sensitive information using Kubernetes Secrets.

By the end of the course, you will have mastered best practices and leveraged some of the latest DevOps technologies to increase agility and decrease time-to-market for the services you have built.

About the Author

Martin Helmich studied computer science at the University of Applied Sciences in Osnabrück and lives in Rahden, Germany. He works as a software architect, specializing in building distributed applications using web technologies and Microservice Architectures. Besides programming in Go, PHP, Python, and Node.js, he also builds infrastructures using configuration management tools such as SaltStack and container technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes.

He is an Open Source enthusiast and likes to make fun of people who are not using Linux. In his free time, you'll probably find him coding on one of his open source pet projects, listening to music, or reading science-fiction literature.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Develop and Operate Microservices on Kubernetes udemy free download

Deploy, scale, and maintain your distributed applications with Kubernetes

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