Cyber Security Fundamentals One

Cyber Security Essentials For Beginners

Cyber Security Fundamentals One
Cyber Security Fundamentals One

Cyber Security Fundamentals One udemy course

Cyber Security Essentials For Beginners

What you'll learn:

  • You will gain a broad understanding of the cybersecurity landscape, including common terminology and concepts.
  • Threats and Attacks: You will learn about different types of threats and attacks, including social engineering, malware, phishing, and more.
  • Risk Management: You will learn how to identify, assess, and manage risks to keep your organization secure.
  • Network Security: You will learn how to secure networks, including firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and more.
  • Mobile Security: You will learn about mobile device security, including how to secure mobile applications and mobile device management.
  • Compliance and Regulations: You will learn about compliance and regulations, including GDPR, HIPAA, and other industry-specific regulations.


  • Basic IT Skills
  • Passion to learn about Cybersecurity



Building your knowledge base is similar to building a house; without a solid foundation, it will be weak, and will fail when it is actually required. In this course my goal will be to lay solid foundation of Cyber Security for you. This course is designed to provide you with a solid foundation in cyber security, covering topics and terms used by Cyber Security Professionals.

What you will be able to do after completion of this course ?

  • You will be able to understand Cyber Security basics terminologies ( which will be very useful, if you have to collaborate with Cyber Security professionals).

  • You can take any advance level courses.

Topics Covered:

  1. Course Intro.

  2. What is data ?

  3. What is information ?

  4. State of data information.

  5. Data is equivalent to asset.

  6. Information security definition.

  7. Are Information Security & Cyber Security same ?

  8. CIA Triad (Objectives of Cyber Security)

    1. Summarization Of CIA

  9. AAA of Security Introduction.

    1. Authentication

    2. Five Methods Of Authentication

    3. Authorization

    4. Accounting

    5. Non-Repudiation

    6. Summarization Of AAA

  10. Types Of Hackers.

  11. Scenario To Understand Threat, Vulnerability, Exploit, Risk & Impact.

    1. Cyber Security Threats

    2. Threat Category - Malware

    3. Threat category - Un-authorized Access.

      • Threat category - System Failure.

      • Threat Category - Social Engineering

      • Threat Category - Natural Calamities

    4. Threat actors and it's types

      • Threat actor - External

      • Threat Actor - Internal

    5. Vulnerabilities

    6. Risk

    7. Exposure

  12. Types of controls: Physical, Technical, Administrative,

  13. Functionalities Of Security Controls.

  14. Summarization of threat actor, threat, vulnerability, risk and impact.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 42 mins on-demand video
  • 1 article
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Full lifetime access
  • Certificate of completion

Cyber Security Fundamentals One udemy free download

Cyber Security Essentials For Beginners

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