Complete Web Development in TypeScript - Beginner to Expert!

Build production-grade web apps by structuring and leveraging TypeScript's features in your JavaScript Web applications!

Complete Web Development in TypeScript - Beginner to Expert!
Complete Web Development in TypeScript - Beginner to Expert!

Complete Web Development in TypeScript - Beginner to Expert! udemy course

Build production-grade web apps by structuring and leveraging TypeScript's features in your JavaScript Web applications!

What you'll learn:

  • Take a sneak peek at some more advanced type features such as aliasing, unions, guards, and intersections.
  • Build production-grade web applications by structuring applications and leveraging TypeScript's strong typing features in your JavaScript Web applications.
  • Introduce the Express. js web framework along with the real-time communication library Socket .IO and document database MongoDB
  • Write custom declaration files from scratch by relying on API documentation or by inspecting the module source code
  • Create single instances of classes throughout your apps with the Singleton pattern.
  • Broaden your knowledge of ES6 classes and how they relate to class-like pre-ES6 patterns.


  • You should have knowledge of the syntax and language of JavaScript before taking this course. No prior knowledge of design patterns is required.


Writing large applications in JavaScript is a challenge! TypeScript brings JavaScript down to earth by providing optional static typing and future JavaScript features today. TypeScript gives the developer instant feedback on the code they are writing in order to catch mistakes earlier in the development process. If you’re a developer looking to take advantage of dozens of features from the next generations of JavaScript without introducing a complex workflow to your project, then this Course is for you! 

This comprehensive 4-in-1 course is an A+ guide to building full-fledged, production-ready applications with TypeScript. To begin with, you’ll see how TypeScript helps you write maintainable applications and set up a cross-platform development environment for TypeScript. Moving further, you’ll learn about creational, structural, and behavioral design patterns to start using an IoC container in your TypeScript apps to increase extensibility, testability, and maintainability. Finally, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the TypeScript type system and learn how to use it more effectively in the applications to build enterprise-ready, industrial-strength web applications.

Towards the end of this course, you'll write better code with TypeScript’s language features. Build enterprise-ready, industrial-strength web applications.

Contents and Overview

This training program includes 4 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.

The first course, Introduction to TypeScript, covers building practical, maintainable and scalable applications using TypeScript. This course will guide you from a beginner’s level knowledge in JavaScript to being able to successfully start creating applications in TypeScript. Then we move onto the basics of TypeScript such as setting up your development environment and learning basic language features by building a simple utility application and extending it with more features. Finally, we explore some practical use cases, such as converting plain-old JavaScript to TypeScript and you’ll see how we tackle any issues faced such as external library references, dynamic typing, and more. By the end of the course, the viewer will be equipped to explain why TypeScript is advantageous for you and your team while also having a foundational knowledge of language features such as the type system, classes, interfaces, modules, and generics.

The second course, Hands-On Web Development with TypeScript 3, covers building production-grade web applications by structuring applications and leveraging TypeScript's strong typing features in your JavaScript Web applications! This course is a perfect guide to learning the basics of TypeScript and creating simple web apps. As you know, writing large applications in JavaScript is a challenge. This course will help you overcome the difficulties and build web apps with ease. You'll learn to compile ordinary JavaScript so that the code you write in TypeScript will run in any browser that runs JavaScript. Next, you'll start to build an application and learn to use TypeScript to write well structured, type-safe, and scalable web front-end code. As you progress, you'll learn how to receive instant feedback on the code that you're writing in order to catch mistakes earlier in the development process. By the end of the course, you'll be confident enough to build the applications you want and need.

The third course, Design Patterns in TypeScript, covers writing cleaner code and enhance your development skills with TypeScript design patterns. This course starts by exploring SOLID principles to write clean code. Then you will create new objects and the instance of classes with creational design Patterns. Next, you will utilize dependency injection with InversifyJS to create testable, maintainable, and extensible code. Moving on, you will explore structural design patterns to better express the relationships between different application entities. Lastly, you will investigate behavioral patterns to add flow to your applications and add levels of communication between your entities.

The fourth course, Mastering TypeScript - Second Edition, covers writing better code with TypeScript’s language features. This course will take you on a journey through interacting with the type system to working efficiently with more advanced features of the language. It will strengthen your knowledge of TypeScript and help you see the benefits it brings. We use an example-based approach that walks you through a restaurant ordering sample application. In addition, we go one step further by showing you how to automate custom checks on a code base and how to close statically typed gaps.

Towards the end of this course, you'll write better code with TypeScript’s language features. Build enterprise-ready, industrial-strength web applications.

About the Authors

Kamran Ayub is a WebApps consultant and has been associated with the web industry since 2000. He specializes in both front-end and back-end development and is heavily involved in open source. Kamran has used TypeScript in large-scale open source projects since version 1.0. Currently situated in Minnesota, he has given talks on Demystifying TypeScript and TypeScript in Action multiple times over the past few years to different audiences and at different conferences such as his own workplace, the Twin Cities Code Camp, Minnesota Developer Conference, and Midwest .js. He has only received positive feedback on the sessions and is always excited to revamp them each year to update them and spread the love for TypeScript. He is excited to formally record a course on TypeScript where he can take the appropriate time to go over each of the topics he covers in his talks more in-depth and with the ability to focus on important points and explain.

Tomasz Lelek is a Software Engineer, programming mostly in Java and Scala. He has been working with the Spark and ML APIs for the past five years with production experience in processing petabytes of data. He is passionate about nearly everything associated with software development and believes that we should always try to consider different solutions and approaches before solving a problem. Recently he was a speaker at conferences in Poland, Confitura and JDD (Java Developers Day), and also at Krakow Scala User Group. He has also conducted a live coding session at the Geecon Conference. He is a co-founder of www. initlearn. com, an e-learning platform that was built with the Java language.

Dimitris Loukas is a software engineer currently part of a growing start-up building a revolutionary referral marketing platform with NodeJS, Angular, MySQL, Redis, and Docker. He is also developing trading software applications using C#, Aurelia and TypeScript. He is an author at Packt and has developed many video tutorials in C#, .NET Core and TypeScript. He has worked for two start-ups in the past, is active in the open source community, and loves taking up small side projects. He has developed microservices using C# and NodeJS and has also mastered Angular, Aurelia, and Vue. js. He is an early adopter of .NET Core and is fascinated by modern JavaScript and where the web is going.

David Sherret is a software developer in the healthcare industry. Within that, he leads several projects including one that supports the logistics behind specialty pharmaceuticals and maintains a patented technology for reducing health insurance fraud. You can find him answering questions on the TypeScript tag on Stack Overflow.

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 18.5 hours on-demand video
  • 1 downloadable resource
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Complete Web Development in TypeScript - Beginner to Expert! udemy free download

Build production-grade web apps by structuring and leveraging TypeScript's features in your JavaScript Web applications!

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