Certified Kubernetes Administrator 2023 CKA - Mock Exams

Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA practice exams 2022. Get ready to pass!

Certified Kubernetes Administrator 2023 CKA - Mock Exams
Certified Kubernetes Administrator 2023 CKA - Mock Exams

Certified Kubernetes Administrator 2023 CKA - Mock Exams udemy course

Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA practice exams 2022. Get ready to pass!

What you'll learn:

  • How to Administer a Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to Design a Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to Build a Kubernetes Cluster from scratch – “The Hard Way”
  • How to Test a Kubernetes Cluster end-to-end
  • How to Troubleshoot a Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to Secure a Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to Configure Storage on a Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to Configure Network on a Kubernetes Cluster


  • Basic understanding of Docker
  • YAML Language


This course offers multiple mock exams to prepare for Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam. Take into account that this course doesn't give access to any hands-on labs and is focused on preparing you for the exam from the theorical point of view.  All commands provided will run correctly on any kubernetes enviornment so you can actually test them.

As one of the highest velocity open source projects, Kubernetes use is exploding. In a four-year timespan kubernetes-related jobs grew by 2.141%. A Certified Kubernetes Adminsitrator earns around 117k$ on average. For that reason, certification is a key in someones career, allowing certified administrators to quickly establish their credibility and value in the job market, and also allowing companies to more quickly hire high-quality teams to support their growth.

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam is 100% Hands-On exam which means you need rigorous practice before you appear in the exam. You need to make sure you cover as many scenarios as possible before the exam because that's the ONLY way to be well prepared for this esteemed certification. All questions in the mock exams are based on 2020 CKA curriculum and cover the official exam topics:

  • Cluster Architecture, Installation & Configuration - 25%

  • Workloads & Scheduling - 15%

  • Services & Networking - 20%

  • Storage - 10%

  • Troubleshooting - 30%

These mock exams can be used  primarily in two ways:

  1. To evaluate your existing knowledge prior to start preparing for CKA exam.

  2. As a final step before taking the CKA exam  to make sure you cover most of the scenarios and feel CONFIDENT enough to pass it. in the exam.

These mock exams are of intermediate to high complexity that will give you the required skills to matster the CKA exam and include detailed explainations in the questions, as well as references to the official documentation. Every answer is well explained and provided with one or more official reference links that you can bookmark for the exam. Use of imperative commands is highly encouraged and you'll see several imperative commands in the solutions.

Each mock exam consists of 20 questions with passing score of 74%, but we recommended to repeat the tests and interiorize the knowledge until you can easily get a 100%.  As per CKA 2021 curriculum, you will get 6 clusters to work on with minimum passing score of 66%. You have to complete the exam in 2 hours.

Do you want to get ready 2 pass? Join us! :)

Who this course is for:

Course Details:

  • 4 практических тестов
  • Полный пожизненный доступ
  • Доступ через мобильные устройства

Certified Kubernetes Administrator 2023 CKA - Mock Exams udemy free download

Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA practice exams 2022. Get ready to pass!

Demo Link: https://www.udemy.com/course/certified-kubernetes-administrator-2021-cka-mock-exams/