Business to Business Selling Skills

B2B Selling Skills will have IMMEDIATE IMPACT on the success of Face-to-Face Salespeople who sell a considered purchase.

Business to Business Selling Skills
Business to Business Selling Skills

Business to Business Selling Skills udemy course

B2B Selling Skills will have IMMEDIATE IMPACT on the success of Face-to-Face Salespeople who sell a considered purchase.

What you'll learn:

  • Easily identify why your customer is going to buy.
  • Confidently approach ANY sales presentation knowing you have the skills to get the best outcome for all parties.
  • Professionally deal with decision makers from purchasing right up to the CEO
  • Be able to use THE KILLER QUESTION at the right time, in the right place, with the right person so you will have the "AH HA!" moment.
  • Control the sales process from beginning to end to maximise your results.
  • Advance your selling skills so that you can handle more complex transactions at a higher level.
  • Master closing techniques that allow the customer to buy from you rather than you have to 'close' the deal (SO much easier!)


  • If you are to get the maximum benefit from the course they should have some experience in customer facing sales. This could be as simple as retail sales or counter sales but ideally where you have had to 'engage' in a discussion with a customer.


B2B Selling Skills is for two types of Salespeople - ones that are just starting their sales career and want to fast track their skill levels to a higher grade, and also for experienced sales professionals that want to further advance and improve their skills to operate at a more productive and profitable level.

This course is specifically for Customer Facing Salespeople who are selling a product or a service that is a Considered Purchase i.e. the customer has a number of choices in the market place based on solution, price, delivery, quality, guarantee or function (they don't just rock up and buy the product without the salesperson being involved).

The course will take about 3 hours to complete and includes 15 video presentations by Ken Fowler (in person, not talking over a PowerPoint presentation), accompanied by supporting documentation and worksheets.

As you progress through the training you will complete five worksheets which will be used at the completion of the course to produce your personal B2B Selling Skills Sales Strategy. This is the 'Holy Grail' of selling tools and once you have done yours, you will wonder how you ever survived without it and YOU WILL USE IT FOR EVER.

Plus, I'd like you to send it to me so I can review it and make sure you have squeezed the most out of the course to maximise the benefit from your investment.

Let me say right from the outset that there is no trickery or gimmick or 'secret formula' to B2B Selling Skills. It is good fundamental common sense logic that is used all around the world and the foundation of sales success in every industry.

Go on, get into it and see what you will learn. I bet you are dying to find out what THE KILLER QUESTION is. When you start using it you will suddenly find out why your customers are going to buy (or not going to buy) and this information will shock you!

It is my wish to improve the selling skills of all salespeople with this course so that you can really enjoy your career in sales, take pride in being able to identify and satisfy your customers needs, and be able to make to make a profit out of it.

Profit - It's not a dirty word.

If you don't make a profit out of your sales then everyone loses because nothing happens until somebody sells something!

Think about this for a moment - it will give you an insight into my PASSION for sales.

No one designs anything, no one manufacturer's anything, no one ships anything, no one receipts anything, no one warehouses anything, no one counts anything, no one invoices anything, or analysis it, credits it, guarantees it or delivers it or gets paid for anything until somebody sells it.


It all starts with you.

So I think that's a pretty good reason for you to do this course.

(plus it's fun).

What do you think?

Who this course is for:

  • This course is for sales people who deal with their customers in a "Face-to-Face" situation and where they are selling a "considered purchase".
  • By "Considered Purchase" I mean where the customer has options to choose from (like different suppliers or products that may be price sensitive) and the salesperson can influence their purchase decision with their selling skills.
  • It is extremely relevant to Salespeople who have a business development aspect to their work i.e. they need to engage new customers who they don't know, not just call on existing accounts.
  • There are some great learning points for Call Centre Salespeople (especially outbound) and for Customer Service/Salespeople that you will need to master if you want to progress to an external sales role or a leaderships position.
  • Six Sigma Green Belt Training and Certification
  • CCNA Security Real World Labs - Cisco ASA, Network Security
  • CCNP Route 642-902 Implementing Cisco IP Routing
  • IP Addressing and Subnetting

Course Details:

  • 1.5 hours on-demand video
  • 16 articles
  • 10 downloadable resources
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV
  • Certificate of completion

Business to Business Selling Skills udemy free download

B2B Selling Skills will have IMMEDIATE IMPACT on the success of Face-to-Face Salespeople who sell a considered purchase.

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