Xamarin on Steroids: Xamarin Forms Shell and MVVM udemy course free download

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Do you know what's the most important currency in the world?

And no, it's no bitcoin.

It's time.

Once you spend it, there is no way to get it back.

Do you want to know how to build a native Android and iOS app at the same time?

By using the Xamarin Forms framework.

What is the Xamarin Forms framework?

It is a free cross-platform framework for building native mobile applications on Windows or macOS. You can develop both iOS and Android native apps at the same time. Think about it! You write one code, but you can run the app on both the iOS platform and on the Android platform.

The output from the Xamarin SDK is the fully native app.

But wait, it gets even better...

Do you know that you can even speed up your development with Xamarin Forms?

Yes, it's possible. Just use Xamarin Forms Shell.

Shell is a framework you can use to build side menus and tab bar pages quicker in Xamarin Forms.

It provides you with a simple code syntax for building the above-mentioned features. So that you don't waste your time on those features that are so common to mobile apps. And focus instead on app-specific functionality.

In this course, I'm going to show you how to build a crypto wallet mobile app.

I'll also share with you some tips I have learned over the years developing apps:

  • How to use the MVVM with the Shell, to separate the UI from the business logic

  • How to reuse common generic classes across multiple projects

  • How to use resource dictionaries to reuse your design

If you are a beginner developer in Xamarin Forms, then this course is not the right fit for you. But if you are already familiar with the Xamarin platform and want to learn advanced topics, so you can become a better developer, then you are in the right place.

You probably know this, but in order to start with this course, you don't even need a Mac computer. You only need Visual Studio, and it has free community editions. You can test all your code changes on the Android emulator (however, if you want to test the iOS app, you need to have a Mac computer).

With the Xamarin on Steroids course you get:

  • Video lectures

  • Guideline on how to build the cryptocurrency wallet app using Xamarin Forms Shell and MVVM

  • Source code of the completed app

  • Book with 81 Xamarin Interview Questions

After you finish the "Xamarin on Steroids: Xamarin Forms Shell and MVVM" course, you will know how to build beautiful cross-platform Xamarin Forms apps.

This course comes with 30 days money-back guarantee. If you don't like this course, just request a refund.

No hard feelings. My goal is to make you a happy developer who will understand the Xamarin Forms Shell, so you can actually use it and make app development an easier process.

With all that being said, click the enroll button and I'll see you inside!

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