Learn API Testing using Postman, SoapUI & RestAssured udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



This course is designed to make you an expert in working with Back end Testing.

Nowadays, almost all web applications use web services to communicate or interact with each other. Most modern day web services are built on Representational state transfer (REST) architecture; REST has gained a lot of popularity and it will continue to do the same due to its simplicity in comparison with other technologies.

90%of the IT industry now heading towards this API for automating Services. On course completion You will be familiar with REST API testing   using Postman, SOAPUI & RestAssured and can implement Successfully it in your work place or will surely land on High Paying Job.

Topics Covered:


Introduction to API Testing

  • What is Client & server?

  • Client-server architecture

  • What is an API?

  • Types of an API

  • API Vs Webservice

  • Rest API methods

  • http Vs https

API Testing using Postman

  • Postman Introduction

  • Postman installation

  • Creating Workspace

  • Creating Collection

  • Creating Requests - Get, Post, Put & Delete   

  • Saving & Editing Requests

  • Operations on Collections

  • Things to be validated in response

  • Status codes

  • Cookies

  • Headers

  • Response body

  • Exporting & Importing Collections

  • Creating Dummy API’s for API  Testing   

  • NodeJS installation

  • json-server installation

  • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)   & JSON Path

  • What is JSON?

  • Understanding JSON Object & JSON Array

  • JSON Path

  • Adding Tests/validations   

  • Testing status codes

  • Testing headers

  • Testing cookies

  • Testing response time

  • Testing response body

  • Scripts in Postman

  • Pre-request Scripts

  • Tests Scripts

  • Working with Variables     

  • Global  Variables

  • Collection Variables

  • Environment Variables

  • Local  Variables

  • Data Variables

  • Get and Set Variables with Scripts

  • Postman Console

  • API Chaining 

  • Project - Books API

  • Data Driven Testing using JSON & CSV files   

  • File Upload & Download API

  • Authorization Types

  • Swagger

  • cURL ( Client URL)

  • Documenting & Publishing

  • ECommerce App Rest API's 

  • Testing XML Response 

  • Testing JSON  Response

  • Run Collection

  • Command prompt

  • Command prompt with HTML Report

  • Sharing Collections

  • Run Collection Remotely

  • Push collection to Github

  • Run collection in Jenkins

API Testing using RestAssured

  • Introduction to RestAssured

  • Setting RestAssured Maven Project

  • Including The Required REST Assured and Other Dependencies

  • Static imports

  • Writing first REST Assured API Automation Script

  • HTTP Methods

  • GET

  • Post

  • Put

  • Delete

  • Post request body creation ways

  • HashMap

  • POJO class

  • Org.Json Library

  • External JSON file

  • External JSON file with variables

  • Parameters

  • Path Parameters

  • Query parameters

  • Headers and cookies

  • Logging

  • Parsing Data

  • Parsing JSON response

  • Parsing Data

  • Parsing XML response

  • File Upload & Download API

  • JSON & XML Schema validations

  • Serialisation & de-serialisation JSON

  • Authentications Types

  • API Chaining

  • Request and response Specification builders

  • Root Path

  • Designing the Rest Assure Framework Project

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