Ultimate JavaScript Arrays plus One To-Do List Project udemy course free download

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Ultimate JavaScript Arrays plus One To-Do List Project

Learn about JavaScript Arrays Methods, creating them, accessing Arrays, Loops Arrays and finally make a TO-DO LIST project

Arrays are fundamental in web development. To master and be an expert in JavaScript, one must have a good and solid foundation of Arrays. They are the core part of the JavaScript language.

One must first master HTML, CSS and then Venture into JavaScript and learn more about arrays.

Arrays we always come in handy when developing projects and applications, website and many more.

They are useful when it come in making projects such as a Logging Form, To-Do List and many more similar projects. Learning about arrays is fundamental for any web developers as you can get to understand how a website will work without having a basic understanding of this very important topic.

They involve:

Arrays Methods

Push method – Adds a new element at the end of an array

pop method- Removes an element at the end of an array

shift method – Removes an element at the start of an array

unshift method- Adds an element at the start of an array

concat method – Merges two or more arrays elements

includes method- Looks for a value or element in an array

index Of method-its just like the str.index of

join method- create a string from an array

reverse method-Reverses an array

slice method-It copes portions of an array

sort method-It sorts an array

Creating Arrays methods - Here one learns several ways of creating arrays

Looping through arrays - here we see several ways of looping through an array such as the For Loop, For Of Loop, FOR/IN loop, WHILE LOOP

Iterating through arrays

Using the 'NEW' JavaScript keyword

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