JavaScript Bootcamp - Build Real World Applications udemy course free download

What you'll learn:





If you want to start learning to program or you already have some basic knowledge, then you are in the right place. This course gives you a chance to take your knowledge to the next level. You will start from very basics and reach the most advanced level.

Let's actually talk about what the course covers...


JavaScript Basics / Intermediate:

You will learn about the very basics of this language, like how to write JavaScript, what kind of syntax it has. What kind of data types JavaScript uses, functions, conditionals, objects, loops, etc. At the end of the section, you will be able to build your very first basic JavaScript application -- 'Digital Clock', followed by the coding task and quiz.

JavaScript Behind The Scenes:

In this section, you will be able to learn how JavaScript works behind the scenes. If you want to be a real JavaScript developer then you definitely need to understand how the code actually works, how the JavaScript engine executes and runs the code under the hood. You will cover very important topics, such as the global execution context and global object, what is execution stack, scope, and scope chain, hoisting, the special keyword 'this' etc. At the end of the section, you will check your knowledge with a quiz.

Document Object Model (DOM):

You will learn how to manipulate individual and multiple elements, how to change the web page content, how to style the elements using JavaScript and much more. In this section, you will build your next project -- 'Note Manager', which will be more complex and interesting than the previous one.

Advanced JavaScript:

This is the section where you will feel confident in JavaScript because you will be able to learn and understand the most advanced concepts in JavaScript. You will cover the following topics: function constructors, prototypal inheritance, prototype chain, first-class functions, closures and much more...

Advanced JavaScript Project - Quiz Application:

When you reach this point, you will be able to build the most advanced real-world application using pure JavaScript. You will learn how to write a real-world app using object-oriented JavaScript, you will be familiar with how to organize, structure and make your code safer using JavaScript Patterns.

Next-Generation JavaScript:

At the end of the course, you will be able to get familiar with the latest updates of JavaScript. You will learn about the next version of JavaScript, ES6 or ECMAScript2015. You will cover the following topics: Get familiar with Array helpers, let/const block-level variable declarations, arrow functions, template strings, default parameters, spread operator, rest parameter, destructuring, classes and much much more...

JavaScript Interview Questions:

The last section of the course will help you to get ready for your JavaScript interview. In this part, you will meet commonly asked JavaScript questions on the interviews and the relevant answers on them.

Test your knowledge with lots of QUIZZES AND CODING TASKS!!!

24/7 Support From The Instructors!!!


Who this course is for:

Course Details:

16.5 hours on-demand video
3 articles
1 downloadable resource
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV
Certificate of completion

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