The Python Mega Course: Build 10 Real World Applications udemy course free download

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What does this course cover?

The course is exclusively targeted at people who have not programmed before. Therefore, you will learn every programming concept in the context of real-life programming examples by building real-world programs. That way, you will learn the syntax of the language but also understand the logic behind the programming process so you can create your own Python programs. In addition, you will learn both how to write programs but also how to deploy them to live servers and create executable versions that run independently on any computer. The course covers everything from A to Z.

Some people have complained the content is outdated. Is this true?

Some videos are old, but the code in those videos still works with the current Python 3.10 version. Whenever a video is affected by a new Python release, that video is updated with a new one.

Will I be able to find a job after completing this course?
Many students have found a job after taking the course. However, note that simply watching the videos is not sufficient. Besides the videos, you should take all the exercises, plus experiment with the code on your computer by changing it and trying to improve the programs we build. That will give you the skills to write programs independently.

Is this course for beginners?
Yes. This course assumes you have no previous knowledge of programming. Whenever a new programming term emerges in the lectures, we will first explain it academically. Then we use it practically in a real-world code example and reuse it in exercises until you learn everything by heart.

I know Python basics. Is this course for me?
Yes. The first 12 sections of the course cover Python basics. The other 27 sections cover intermediate and advanced Python, and you can jump right into those sections if you know the basics.

What are the ten applications that students will build?
The ten apps covered in the course are: (1) A volcano web map generator, (2) an object detector app that detects moving objects from your computer live webcam, (3) a personal website built with Python and Flask, (4) a book inventory desktop GUI app that has an SQL database backend, (5) a data analysis and visualization dashboard that processes thousands of data records, (6) a mobile app that runs on Android and iOS devices, (7) a program that scrapes data from multiple webpages containing listings of real estate properties for sale, (8) a web app that collects users’ data via a form and sends users emails, (9) a blog and a translator web app with Django, and (10) a web app that processes Excel files and lets users download the processed files.

Can students use the apps to build their own portfolios?
Yes, you can publish the apps in your own GitHub account. However, I recommend changing or adding something to the app to make it unique and reflect your own work. There is always something to improve and new features to add. Changing or adding something new will also immensely help your learning.

How often is the course updated?
If the code in a video does not work because a new version of Python is released or a new version of a Python third-party package breaks the current code, that video is immediately updated with a new one.

How much time will I need to complete the course?
It is recommended to watch 30 minutes of video content per day, followed by two hours of independent work and exercise activities provided along with the videos. The course has 33 hours of video, so it might take around three months to complete it, considering you study five days a week. If you want to speed up the process, I recommend watching up to 1 hour of content, but not more, followed by 4 hours of independent work and exercises.

What if I get stuck?
You can drop a question in the Q&A, and the instructor or the teaching assistant will answer your questions. You can also use the chat in the course Discord server to ask questions and chat with fellow students about Python.

What if I don’t like the course?
That will likely not happen. But, if it does, you are covered by the Udemy 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can quickly return the course. No questions asked.

Does this course cover Python 2 or Python 3?
Python 3.

What IDE/editor is used in the course?
We will use Visual Studio Code in the course. However, many students prefer to use PyCharm, Atom, or other IDEs and that is perfectly fine.

Do I need Windows, Mac, or Linux to take the course?
The operating system does not matter. The code covered in the videos will work 100% the same in all operating systems.

Does the course expire?
No. Once you buy the course, it is yours. You will get all future updates for free as well.

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