SQL - MySQL for data manipulation udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



In this course, you will be able to learn how to use MySQL to create any database project that you would like to. Also you will be able to interact with existing database, manipulate data, and use the most used queries either to display data (select) or to perform any kind of analysis. The course covers basics and advanced SQL queries such as select / display, update, delete, and so many useful functions. A hotel reservation system is created for the purpose of an example so that you can create your own project after you take this course.

You will learn  best MySQL queries such as: (CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), wildcards, subqueries, connecting more tables together, working with dates, and many more operations for data manipulation in any database) that will help you creating big real-world applications.

Key concepts:

  • SQL (Structured Query Language - in-demand technology)

  • SQL syntax

  • Understand SQL Joins

  • MySQL (one of the most popular and widely used databases)

  • Use MySQL logical operators and other functions

  • Database Design & Development

  • Data Analysis

  • Differences

  • Of course CRUD

  • Subqueries

  • Displaying data from many tables

  • Displaying data that do not have to be on your table, but you perform operations to get them as result

Take your time, practice, and get ready for more. Avoid having too much information on too many technologies, they are all very nice and useful things to learn and build great apps.

All the best with learning!

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