SQL Crash Course for beginners - Learn SQL with MySQL udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



SQL is THE most important query language you can learn!

It's used by many popular relational database management systems like MySQL . But it's also used by data analysis and big data frameworks and tools like Apache Spark.

Hence knowing SQL opens up an endless amount of opportunities and jobs - no matter if you're going to work with relational databases or if you're becoming a data scientist, knowing SQL will be key!

SQL is a standardized language and therefore learning SQL will help you apply it in all kinds of contexts. Nonetheless, different database systems also support different aspects of SQL or bring their own variations of the SQL language. Therefore, this course dives into SQL by exploring all key features at the example of the two most popular database systems: MySQL and PostgreSQL. All query and command examples are shown for both database systems, ensuring that you feel comfortable working with SQL in either environment!

This course will enable you to write your own (simple or complex) SQL queries, create basic or advanced databases and table structures and work with data of different shape and complexity!

In detail, you will learn:

  • What exactly SQL is and how the core syntax looks like

  • How to write SQL commands

  • How to install MySQL & PostgreSQL as well as various clients

  • How to create and structure database tables

  • Which data types you may use and when to use which data type

  • How to perform CRUD operations: Create, Read, Update & Delete Data

  • How to insert data into tables

  • How to query and filter data

  • Why you should split data across multiple tables (and how to do that)

  • How to join (merge) data into combined result sets

  • How to write basic and more complex queries

  • How to aggregate and group data

  • How to use built-in database functions to work with numbers, text or dates

  • How to optimize databases with indexes

  • And much, much more!

Explore the full course curriculum to get a thorough overview of the course content and watch the free preview section to learn how this course will help you!

This course also comes with a 30 day refund period, so that you can try it risk-free :)

We'd love to welcome you on board of this course and explore SQL together with you!

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