Reactive Microservices with Spring WebFlux udemy course free download

What you'll learn:



Spring WebFlux is a reactive non-blocking web stack which provides better performance compared to traditional Spring Web MVC! Check out the performance comparison as part of the FREE preview to learn more!

We build 3 Microservices from scratch & Integrate in this course (Checkout first lecture as part of preview for more details)!

By the end of this course you would be comfortable with:

  • Spring WebFlux

    • Exposing Reactive Restful APIs ( all the GET / POST / PUT / DELETE )

    • Controller annotation

    • Exception Handling with @ControllerAdvice @ExceptionHandler

    • Query Params with WebFlux

  • Functional endpoints

    • Exposing APIs in programmatic way

    • Router Function and Router Config

  • Spring Data Reactive MongoDB

    • All the CRUD operations with Reactive MongoDB driver

    • Microservice Development: Creating Product-Service which is responsible for managing products

  • Spring Data R2DBC

    • All the CRUD operations with Reactive Relational DB driver

    • Microservice Development: Creating User-Service which is responsible for Managing users

  • WebClient

    • A Reactive REST Template for making non-blocking async HTTP requests

    • Handling headers / cookies / request / response

    • Attributes

    • Exception Handling

    • Accessing Streaming API using WebClient

    • Exchange vs Retrieve

    • Microservice Development: Creating Order-Service which contacts user-service and product-service for order fulfillment.

  • Server Sent Events (SSE)

    • Exposing streaming API to provide real time updates to the user

    • Push notifications from back-end to front-end

    • Developing front-end using HTML / Bootstrap / JavaScript

  • Miscellaneous

    • Making Microservices more resilient using retry pattern

    • Handling error using onError

    • Reactive Manifesto

    • How Netty works

    • How to Handle blocking drivers/APIs with WebFlux

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