Scrum: Triple the Work in Half The Time With Fewer Meetings udemy course free download

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Triple the work in half the time if you do what I teach or ask Udemy for your money back.

Hi, I'm the only Registered Scrum Trainer on Udemy and I'm confident that what I teach will triple your work in half the time because I've repeated this process so many times.  I've trained and coached teams that have 8x increases in velocity, it's not hard if you do what I teach.

Teams all over the world, just like you have done it. 

Perfect for people who have never been a Scrum Master or Scrum Masters with years of experience who need a refresher.

This course is led by a full-time, professional Scrum Trainer i.e. someone with a real credential you can verify.

When you are done with this course you will be able to facilitate Scrum's Scrum development, Scrum concepts, Scrum tools, Scrum meetings, Scrum culture, Scrum planning, & Scrum Team dynamics.  Earn more with new skills.

Learn Scrum from the only Credentialled Scrum Trainer on Udemy

How much easier would Scrum be if you were trained by a credentialed professional?  Don't take any Scrum class unless you verify that the instructor is credentialed.  You wouldn't let a novice do your taxes or work on your teeth, why let a novice teach you Scrum?  Demand a professional instructor.

This course is taught by a qualified instructor (there are only a few hundred of us globally).  Normally, this material is delivered over two days and the cost is much, much higher.  You're getting an incredible amount of information from a qualified, credentialed instructor for a fraction of the in-person event costs. 

There is no better training and no better value anywhere.  Many other instructors are self-taught and not credentialed.  Don't be duped, demand a professional instructor. 

This class is taught by a credentialed instructor (note, this course does not meet your credentialing requirements, but it does give you all the information you need). 

Are you a software developer looking for your first job?  You'll need to understand Scrum and you'll get that here.

Are you a program manager trying to move from traditional project management to agile project management?  It can be a confusing and hard transition.  I know, I've made it myself.  Let me help guide you.

Are you a student, trying to prepare for the real-world?  Perfect, you'll get hands-on examples and all the theory you need to succeed.

Are you a startup owner?  Welcome to your ticket to a better launch, Scrum will help you deliver your product to market and ensure you have better chances of finding product-market-fit. 

And, as a bonus, You'll get a huge reference manual, a free bonus book when you join this course. 

Bonus!  Get a 55 page, 28,000-word custom book based on this course FREE with a purchase of your Scrum training.  This material is worth many times more than this course and is yours FREE when you join this course

About Scrum.

There are over 20,000 high paying jobs looking for Scrum experts.  Search today and see for yourself.  Join now and take the first steps to a dream job.

Are you tired of a dead-end job or no job at all?  Are you worried that your skills are out of date and need updating?  Have you recently been passed over for a promotion or are you worried you will not be promoted in the future?

Prepare for your next big career move in this course where you will learn Scrum, Trello, and Agile Program Management. 

Learn the ins and outs of Scrum.  Learn how to be an Agile Program Manager.  Learn everything you need to know to pass your Scrum Master  test.  Learn to use Trello to unite your team around a digital Scrum board (don't worry, it's free software).

See how to make airplanes fly 40% better with Scrum.  Learn to use Scrum without any complicated language or confusing terms.

There are over 29,000 jobs today looking for people trained in Scrum and agility, level up and step into your next job.

This course will help your professional life by preparing you to pass your Scrum Master test.  Being a Scrum Master will let you apply for Scrum Master jobs and help you to fit into the increasingly agile workforce.

Tech jobs, manufacturing, and service-related industries are going Agile.  If you want to be competitive for the high paying jobs of today and tomorrow you should be agile.  Learning Scrum in this course will allow you to be competitive in any agile workforce.

If you join this course you will be able to:

  1. Pass your Scrum Master exam

  2. Speak intelligently about Scrum at job interviews

  3. Be able to act as a Scrum Master

  4. Work in an agile workplace

  5. Explain the Scrum Framework

  6. Explain the Agile Manifesto

You will be able to do this through:

  1. Multiple Scrum Master practice tests

  2. Practice test answers with explanation

  3. A detailed explanation of Scrum and the Scrum Master role

  4. Question and answer interactivity

Student Testimonials (Real students after in-person training)

"Great and useful introduction" Janine, Hampton Roads Entrepreneurs Forum

"Strongly agree that the learning objectives were clear" Jon M, Hampton Roads Entrepreneurs Forum

Average participants rated their level of skill/knowledge at the start of the course as "poor" and "excellent" at the end, Hampton Roads Entrepreneurs Forum student survey data. 

What does that data me?

Students saw a jump in skill from "poor" to "excellent" by attending this training in person.

After teaching this course in person, I have had students implement Scrum at work successfully but also start "Scrum Families".  Scrum can help your personal life by organizing your family and creating happier family teams. 

Perhaps you didn't fully understand everything you learned when you went through your original scrum master training. It's a lot of information to go through and sometimes it can be confusing.

Many people go through their course and don't understand how all the components of the Scrum Framework fit together. They need practical examples and more practice tests in order to be prepared for their Certified Scrum Master Test.

Sometimes the numbers and techniques in order to calculate things like a product burned down chart or a Sprint burned down chart can be really confusing. Often times, courses don't fully cover how to calculate these important charts. If they do, they don't give you reference material to look back on if you ever get confused in the future.

Some people go through courses and only get taught how scrum applies to software. This can be really discouraging because scrum is also used in hardware, service, and family settings. Without understanding how scrum is applied in different industries and settings you won't be able to use it effectively.

This is why many people say scrum doesn't work, they never were trained properly. They try to implement Scrum and go agile without understanding what they're doing. The results can be disappointing but it's not scrum or agile's fault, the people who tried it just didn't know how to do it right.

You can't try to implement Scrum without having a full understanding of the Scrum framework and a thoughtful approach to applying it with your team. If you don't fully understand the Scrum framework you won't really be doing Scrum. You'll be doing something, but it won't be Scrum. Your results will be disappointing since you need to use the full scrum framework to be effective.

Some organizations don't understand how to be agile. They know they should be agile, but they don't know how so they just start using a lot of confusing terms. The resulting mayhem is disruptive for everyone. Agile can only be done right when it's done thoughtfully.

How can this course help?

First and foremost, this course will prepare you for your certified scrum Master test. It will review all of the foundations of the Scrum framework and provide enough practical examples so you'll have no problem with your test.

If you have been exposed to scrum but don't really understand it fully, this course can also help by providing you with a comprehensive and integrated explanation. We break down every part of the Scrum framework and provide you with practical examples of how to do it. You'll learn scrum in a way that will apply to any industry.

We can help you calculate your product burned down, Sprint burned down, and team velocity charts. Will build a case study so you can see how to calculate all of the numbers. Don't worry, the calculations are easy and will walk you through step-by-step. The good thing about having this done online as you can go back and refer to it if you're ever confused in the future. Calculate your charts with confidence knowing that you've mastered the math and science behind scrum measurements.

You will learn a thoughtful approach to implementing the Scrum framework so that you'll have the best chances of success with your team. You won't learn a rigid one-size-fits-all approach to the Scrum framework, you'll learn a flexible and thoughtful approach so you can lead scrum implementations and agile change in any organization.

This will make you competitive in any job market and ensure you remain relevant no matter what happens in the future.

You'll learn what agile really means and how scrum makes your organization agile. You can cut through the confusion and jargon and effectively deliver product to market.  You will emerge as a thought leader within your workplace being able to guide others through the confusing world of agile. This will allow you to mentor your teammates, up-lead your supervisors, and gain a reputation for excellence.

Still not convinced this course can help?

According to the Bureau of Labor and statistics, workers hold 10 different jobs on average before they turn 40. This number is likely to grow in the future as jobs and industries become more fluid and changing.

It's not enough to have one skill and one career. The odds are, you need many skills and will have many careers throughout your working life. This is a problem because most workers don't have the time or resources to go back to school after their career begins.

The demands of family, bills, and real life quickly set in. These demands on time and money become overwhelming for many. The idea of going back to school to acquire additional education is out of reach. People do not have the time or the resources in order to re-skill their careers once they've begun.

What makes the situation more complicated, is that many careers are going out of date. The reason people are changing careers so often is because their old careers are being replaced. Software, technology, and automation are making lifelong employment challenging.

This trend will only continue. The accelerating pace of technology and the number of programmers available to corporations means will see shorter careers and an increased need for retraining.

The good news is, more and more companies are requiring agile experience. It's a valuable skill to be able to lead agile implementations and to understand how to work on a scrum team. This increases your value to potential employers and allows you to be more productive. Instead of being confused by the Scrum framework you can lead scrum change.

By taking this course, you can do this from the comfort of your home, the convenience of your phone, in any location, whenever you have a free moment. This allows you to add a valuable skill to your resume without having to spend an enormous sum of money returning to school. This also allows you the flexibility to add this skill to your resume on your own terms.

Taking this class will add a valuable skill without adding the requirement to commute to school, register at an institution, or travel to in-person training.

Join today, prepare for your scrum Master test, and go agile.

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