Robot Framework Test Automation - Saucelabs Integration udemy course free download

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If you're using Robot Framework for your Selenium Webdriver test automation and you need to test many different OS/browser combinations, this course is for you!

Instead of building & maintaining your own computers to host your Robot Framework test automation, a few simple changes to your scripts will allow you to easily run your Robot Framework Selenium tests in parallel on several dozen configurations including many versions of Windows, MacOS, and Linux operating systems and their most popular web browsers.

In this 1+ hour course, I'll walk you through everything you need to know to convert your existing Robot Framework Selenium scripts to run on the SauceLabs browser cloud. I'm even including some working script examples so you can see it work even more quickly.


Robot Framework is a pre-built test automation framework. By comparison... Robot Framework is much easier to learn than Selenium Webdriver (with Java, Python, C#, or PHP) because your scripts are written with English words instead of code.

If you're already an experienced user of Selenium Webdriver, Cucumber, or QTP/UFT, you'll quickly learn how elegant and capable Robot Framework is compared to those tools.

Bryan Lamb's Robot Framework courses are the fastest, easiest, and most effective way to learn Robot Framework!

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