Build REST API with Spring Boot & Spring Data JPA udemy course free download

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***** Some Reviews From Students *****

  • It was good. I am happy.

  • Our instructor teaches us very well. He shows us how we can test our APIs with Postman. He also attached the source code to the lessons so we can test some interesting features and need not type in the entire code. He explains the connections between controller, services and repository very well.

  • Has been easy to follow, I like his added tips on methodology, makes me feel back in a class at in school; He even has my professors accent!

  • This course is to the point. It really helped me to get familiar with the framework.

In this course you are going to learn to Build RESTful APIs With Spring Boot and Spring Data JPA.

Now a days Spring framework is widely used among Java Developers and specifically Spring Boot is in high demand.

In this course you will learn what is REST API and difference between REST API and SOAP. You will learn to build REST APIs with http methods - GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. We will use JSON ( JavaScript Object Notation ) as data format in REST APIs.

Spring Data JPA ( Java Persistence API ) is very much popular to handle your database. Using JPA we can avoid writing native SQL queries so we can say that using JPA we can write database independent queries. JPA provides method proxy using which we can write queries very quickly. In this course you will learn to use Spring Data JPA in Spring Boot using JPA Repository. Using JPA you will learn to perform CRUD ( Create, Read, Update, Delete ) operations with MySQL Database.

You will learn how to write Select Query, AND Query, OR Query, In Query, Like Query, Starts with Query, Ends with Query Using Spring Data JPA. You will also learn to achieve pagination and sorting using Spring Data JPA. Behind the scene JPA will create native SQL queries for us and you will learn how to check those SQL Queries generated by JPA. You will learn when to use @Transient annotation provided by Spring Data JPA.

You will learn Java Persistence Query Language (JPQL). Using JPQL you can write database independent queries. In this course you will learn to write -

  • JPQL Select Query

  • JPQL Update Query

  • JPQL Delete Query

You will learn how to handle your database tables' relationship with JPA. You will learn different relationships -

  • OneToOne

  • OneToMany

  • ManyToOne

Documentation of your REST APIs is very important for your consumers. In this course you will learn to document your APIs with OpenAPI Specification (Swagger UI).

Logging is very important in your application to debug and troubleshoot the issue. In this course you will learn logging with Spring Boot and slf4j.

One of the key features that Spring Framework provides is Spring AOP ( Aspect Oriented Programming ). In this course you will learn real time implementation for Spring AOP in Spring Boot. You will learn different advices -

  • Before Advice

  • After Advice

  • AfterReturning Advice

  • Around Advice

Project lombok is used to avoid boiler plate code in your Java Application. In this course you learn how to use project lombok with Spring Boot Application and you will learn -

  • How to have getter methods for Java Class using @Getter Annotation.

  • How to have setter methods for Java Class using @Setter Annotation.

  • How to have constructor for Java Class using @NoArgsConstructor and @AllArgsConstructor Annotations.

Spring Boot Scheduler - Cron Job If you want to run task periodically then you can use Scheduler with Spring Boot. For this cron expression is used for this purpose.

Spring Boot Deployment to Heroku (Cloud Platform) Heroku is cloud platform where you can deploy your Spring Boot Application. In this course you will learn to deploy your Spring Boot App along with MySQL Database. Heroku is owned by Salesforce which is well known company for cloud services.

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