Passive Income: 10 Online Business Models to Make 6-Figures udemy course free download

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Welcome to my online business course that will teach you how to make passive income with 10 of the most popular and profitable online business models, which you can successfully run full-time or as a side hustle to generate extra income.

My name’s Nik Swami and I’m an entrepreneur with a collection of online businesses that each generate up to $45,000 per month in passive income, and my courses have reached thousands of people in 130 countries.

It’s easier, faster and cheaper than ever to start an online business, make passive income and grow it to 6 figures or more. But with so many passive income opportunities, I know it can be overwhelming to understand what options you have, and how to actually start.

So in this course, you’ll be getting a summary of those 10 online business models, how to start them and what the advantages are of each one. Specifically, you’ll be learning how to:

  • Online business model 1: Attract clients with a SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING AGENCY

  • Online business model 2: Impact audiences as an INFLUENCER

  • Online business model 3: Achieve wonders as an AFFILIATE

  • Online business model 4: Dream big with DROPSHIPPING

  • Online business model 5: Prosper with PRINT ON DEMAND

  • Online business model 6: Amaze customers with AMAZON FBA

  • Online business model 7: Pioneer a PRODUCT OR SERVICE

  • Online business model 8: Crush it with COURSES

  • Online business model 9: Astonish with an APP that requires zero coding

  • Online business model 10: Have it all with a HYBRID

So, if you’re ready to discover all of these different ways of learning passive income online, then this online business course is for you.

Anyone who enrols in this course will also have direct access to me through Udemy's messaging platform, by email and you can also join me on Instagram.

It's time to join the passive income revolution. I'll see you on the inside!


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